The Paradigm Shift Call of Dharma

At certain levels of modern thought process, there is already a conscious move from the fragmented towards holistic concepts and new paradigms are emerging on the horizon Based on this, search is already on for a compendium of values to evolve a life style which recognize the deep aspirations of man and yet remain fully committed to universal acceptable moral, ethical and social values which enrich man and integrate him with nature. This is the right time for us to respond to the call of destiny and to demonstrate to the world how the evolving paradigms of the west have philosophic in our Dharmic tradition based on the advaitic vision of vedic seers.This is the enlightenment which human race is waiting to receive from our ancient nation. This was the call of mother that took Swami Vivekananda to the west to deliver Her message based on the solidarity of the whole universe and inter relatedness of all that exist therein. He called upon his countrymen to realize this truth as their foremost duty, make dharma a living force in our individual and national life and then gift it to the human race.

Thousands of years of spiritual experience have equipped us how to discriminate between the Eternal and the ephemeral, Absolute and relative, infinite and the finite. A great moral obligation therefore rests on us of enlightening the world at this critical juncture of a paradigms shift. We have to gear ourselves to effect a spiritual orientation to the material pursuit of humanity, waking up to the call of Sri Ramakrishna,  Vivekananda and assure that Bharat reclaims the glory of being the Universal Mother and Guru and provides the guiding light for humanity in the centuries ahead.

The challenge before us today is to generate within us the courage and will power to turn away from the baneful influence of the current Western paradigms, provide an effective living basis for the paradigms shift that is already on and to expedite the global transition towards it, based on the Advaitic vision Cherished and nurtured by Bharat over scores of centuries.