A half-day Workshop on Samskara Varga Prashikshan for 13 ladies including housewives and college going students from 8 villages of Vellangallur area of Irinjalakuda, was held at Anandadham today ( Saturday,28th May). Shibir started at 10 a.m. with a report by Smt Mini who had attended the first one day Samskarvarga prashikshan Shibir held on 22nd December 2015.She narrated how the Samskara varga prashikshan given in Kendra was helpful for them in starting 10 such Vargas in different villages of Vellangallur and today's workshop was the result of the demands of more parents who found the difference in the childrens' behaviour.This was followed by Didi's talk on the ' Need for Samskara' to bind the people together to inculcate the Indianness in them.
Sri Sudhakarji guided them on how they could organize and conduct classes for children within a limited time of one and a half hour, which would include all aspects of development- physical, mental, spiritual, intellectual and patriotic zeal in a child. Teaching of daily prayers,song, exercises, and games practice, summing up by Didi, formed part of the workshop. The Workshop concluded at 1.30 p.m. withShanti mantra. All the participants enthusiastically participated in the entire programme and looking forward in organising a few more classes in the different areas of Vellangallur, as well as assisting the already existing vargas in their localities .
Mananeeya LakshmiDidi talking to the participants |
game in progress |