Sri Ramakrishna Jayanthi is usually celebrated as Annual Day by Sandeepani Sishuvihar every year. This year was special because it was the fifteenth year of Sishuvihar. 25th February was fixed as the Annual Day. The programme started at 3.30 p.m. and concluded with Shanti mantra at 7 p.m.
On this day every year, there is a mini-convocation for the outgoing UKG students of Sishuvihar. A shawl, lighted lamp, a certificate and a book on Swamiji's messages are awarded to each student by the Chief Guest and Mananeeya Didi. This year too we had the same. The Chief Guest was Smt Madhumati, retired DPI of Thrissur district.

Apart from this, a short but beautiful cultural programme was also organized. The participants included not only the present LKG and UKG students of Sishuvihar but also the ex-students, Samskar Varga children, mothers of the present students and this time even the Yoga Varga lady students presented a musical yoga asana demonstration programme.

The Sishuvihar children performed various items like Thiruvadira dance, short skits, dances on Murugan and dance drama on Rama, Sita, Lakshmana and Veer Hanuman. Mothers presented a Thiruvadira dance and cream of the crop was the yoga demonstration by the yoga Varga ladies group. A beautiful synchronization of asanas with music,  with contrast group of the youngest member in her twenties and the oldest member in her seventies.

After the cultural programme there was prize distribution for the children, their parents and Samskar Varga children who took part in various competitions during the Kutumba Sangamam on 26th January.