Yoga Sangamam
The monthly yoga sangamam for ladies which was started on 18th February, was scheduled on 18th March, Saturday. 17 yoga Varga lady participants (from the 2015 to 2017 batches), were present. Sri Sudhakarji conducted the theory as well as practical classes. The topic of this class was Cyclic Meditation.
Sri Sudhakarji explained to them the reasons for today's tension and stresses and how they could gradually develop on body-mind awareness through this unique technique called Cyclic meditation and get rid of their deep-rooted stresses and tensions.
Each participant narrated her experiences after the practical was over. Thus Yoga sangamam will not help them to gain knowledge but also make them practically realize their bodily imbalances. The class started at 3.30pm and concluded at 5p.m.
Swantanam - March
Swantanam program for the month of March started with Man. Lakshmi Didi introducing the speaker of the day Dr. Lakshmi Kutty who is a staunch devotee of Swami Vivekananda and whose Ph.d., thesis itself is on Swami Vivekananda's Integral Humanism.
Prof. Lakshmi Kutty in her own indomitable style, taking a leaf from her own lives experiences shared how one should keep oneself busy in doing something constructive and creative, that takes them closer to divinity. Life is an opportunity to become one with the vision of cosmic consciousness. All the members were happy to receive the message as though they are in a gurukula. The class ended with prayer.