The next day onwards for seven days it was reading and explanation of the different avatars of Sree Krishna. Ganapathi temple annual Pratishtha Divasam, celebration fell on the sixth day. Hence along with Bhagavatha reading, Ganapathi Homam and Sri Chakra Pooja was also performed. The whole programme concluded on 8th March with the distribution of yagna prasadam by the Yagnacharya. Dakshin pranta Sanghatak Sushree Radha Didi was present for the program during the last two days.
Bring light to the ignorant and more light to the educated for the vanities of the education of our time are tremendous.
The next day onwards for seven days it was reading and explanation of the different avatars of Sree Krishna. Ganapathi temple annual Pratishtha Divasam, celebration fell on the sixth day. Hence along with Bhagavatha reading, Ganapathi Homam and Sri Chakra Pooja was also performed. The whole programme concluded on 8th March with the distribution of yagna prasadam by the Yagnacharya. Dakshin pranta Sanghatak Sushree Radha Didi was present for the program during the last two days.