Inauguration |
A three days non residential Atma-Vikas Shibir was conducted by V.K.Vedic Vision Foundation for the Samskarvarga children of Shrutam village of Edavilangu. 65 children attended. 30-36 children were from classes III to VI, 10 from class VII and 20 from VIII th to Degree level. The Shibir was conducted in the Srutam Grama Seva Samiti Hall. Sri Sudhakarji delivered the inaugural address.
Apart from chants, songs, lectures, storytelling.agnya, and games, maximum time was kept for making science and maths models from trash articles. A total of 27 working Science and Maths models were made by children according to their capacities. There were 10 karyakartas from Kendra, assisted by 15 mothers belonging to the Seva Samiti, who guided the children in making of science and Maths working models.Children were divided into 3 groups after the names of great Indian scientists viz CV Raman- for the youngest group( classes III to VI), JC Bose- for the children of classes VII and Ramanujam- for children of class VIII to Degree level.The maximum experimental science models were done by the third group. Overall guidance was from Sushree Lalitha Didi, in charge of Thiruvananthapuram Vivekananda Kendra branch center.

On the third day, a display of all the models was arranged for the parents to see. Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi and a popular retired teacher were the Chief Guests for the concluding function. All the karyakartas were felicitated by the members of Srutam Samiti.
Parachute successfully landing |

Concluding day |