As a part of Samartha Bharat Parva, the YCC participants planned to conduct a number of Satras to prepare the students from December for Samuhika Surya Namaskar programme for the 12th of January. Sri Joshyji conducted 3 satras at Kara D.J.Hall, Kirtoli D.J.Hall and at Paramkulangara N.S.S.hall, totaling 30 members in all. Besides the 3 satras 25 ladies and 15 Sishuvihar parents were also trained by Joshiji.Smt Suja conducted 3 satras with 13 students at Valsalayam, 10 members at Edavilangu and 6 members at Thrissur. Smt Mani conducted a satra with 32 members at Elthuruthu. Sri Udayan conducted a satra at Vinayakapuram with 6 members.
Folk and patriotic group song competitions were held for the junior and senior students of various schools of Kodungallur, on 4th January 2019. 50 students from six schools participated.
As part of spreading the activities  of Kendra to Thrissur town this year. In collaboration with Sri Ramakrishna Math we organized the patriotic song and quiz competition on the eve of Swamiji Janma Thithi.
The Patriotic group song and quiz competitions were held on 25th January for schools at Thrissur. 12 schools took part. 150 students along with their escort teachers were present on that day. The competitions were held in Vivekananda Vijnana Bhavan, Punkunnam Thrissur.


                                         MATRU PUJA/ SCHOOL TRIP /  AND SPORTS DAY

                                        MATRU PUJA

 Every year commemorating the birth anniversary of Holy Mother Sarada  Devi’s Birthday, Sandeepani  Sishuvihar  organizes Matru puja. Not only the present students of Sandeepani Sishuvihar but also the children of Samskar Varga and children from the neighbouring houses, get an  opportunity to learn how to worship the feet of their mothers and grandmothers.

26th December morning was the Matrupuja. 25 children took part. Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi guided them.                           

                                                                  SCHOOL TRIP

January 2nd proved to be a memorable day for our Sandeepani Sishuvihar childr3en and their guardians as they were to go on an excursion to the famous Malampuzha dam.  At 6.30a.m. the Ayyappa Air Bus carried 16 kids, 7 other children and 31 parents and 2 teachers,  with plans to halt in between and visit other places of interest.  At 8.45 a.m  they reached Peechi dam site and had their eagerly awaited breakfast.  After visiting the dam and gardens they proceeded towards their destination Malampuzha by 11.45 a.m.  Fort, Hanuman temple, were visited on their way and had their lunch at Children's Park at Malampuzha.  Children were enchanted to see the vast collection of fishes and other aquatic animals in the aquarium as also the snake park.  They were thrilled to go up the dam through the ropeway.  The various rides at the Park were equally enjoyable.  The beautiful flowers, trees and well maintained lawns made them happy and joyful and like little birds and animals they jumped from place to place thoroughly enjoying the freedom (from classrooms) they waited for the evenings’ light show which was a sight for Gods.  At 7.00p.m they started back, had food on the way and got back to Kodungallur by 11.45 p.m.

                                             SPORTS DAY

16th January was sports day for UKG and LKG children. Su Bindu teacher and Salitha teacher conducted sports for the children. Many interesting games like frog jump, memorygame, eating 
game , running race, spoon race were conducted. Mothers of the tiny tots gave a helping hand.


17th December to 21st December, the people of Kodungallur were blessed by the Holy presence of Srimad Swami Haribrahmendranandaji, who was to be the chief resource person for the Spiritual retreat at Anandadham.
On 17th December in the evening at 8 p.m.Sreemad Swami Haribrahmendrananda Tirtha  from Somashram, Uttarkashi, arrived at Anandadham. He was received with Purna Kumbha.He got introduced to the students and devotees who were eagerly waiting to have a glance of him.
Classes started from 18th, after the formal inauguration, at 6.15 a.m. Usual Kendra routine was followed, with pratahsmaran followed by yogabhyas, before the classes started everyday at 6.30 a.m. First session in the morning was taken by Swamiji on Patanjali Yoga sutras.This was followed by second session on Karma Yoga according to Swami Vivekananda conducted by Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi.Third session was again by Swamiji followed by Cyclic Meditation conducted by Sri Sudhakarji.
After lunch there was Veda chanting session conducted by Sushree Gayathri Didi from Bangalore. She taught the Purushukta to the Shibirarthis.After tea was another session by Swamiji upto 6 p.m
After this bhajanSandhya and supper followed.
44 participants were blessed with the experience of this Satsang.


Sukratham Bhagwatham an organization of Bhagavata Devotees  presented Sukratham Bhagavatham Puraskaram to Ma. Lakshmi Didi at a well attended function on 20th December at Ernakulamin the august presence of Sri Udit Chaitanyaji,the great Bhagavatha exponent.


One day workshop for Nivedita tailoring unit. The workshop was inaugurated by Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi as the participants we're chanting the pranava mantra. Didi in her inaugural address laid emphasis on self-transformation and become a role model for others and requested all the mothers to make use of the opportunity of learning to stand on their own feet.
Smt Prabha teacher who is versatile in number of art forms like fabric painting and embroidery introduced the students to the basics of the above arts. All we're engrossed in that till lunch time.
In the post lunch session it was family counseling. Smt Divya from Tejus, Irinjalakuda conducted the lively interactive session with ease with the help of couple of students. In the end all the participants expressed their opinion. Kendra honoured both the teachers of the tailoring unit The program concluded with Shanti mantra.


On 18th November both elderly QCI students and Samskarvarga children paid their homage to Ma. Eknathji by pushparchana. Jeevanvrathis, Su. Nilakshididi from Odisha Prant and Sri Srinivasji from Andhra and Telengana Prant were present on the occasion. Sri Sudhakarji spoke to the members about the nature of the ‘ leader’in Ma. Enathji.
On 19th November which is regarded as Sadhana Divas, our Yoga satra and Yoga varga participants celebrated Ma Eknathji’s 104 th birthday by offering floral tributes in front of his portrait, after their regular practice of yoga in the early morning and after a short talk by Didi. Ma. Lakshmi Didi while talking to them explained the efforts taken by Eknathji in building the Rock Memorial and Vivekananda Kendra, with the spiritually oriented service mission. Knowing the importance of yoga in one's day today life, he made arrangements for getting trained all the jeevanvrathis way back in 70s. She encouraged all to hold on to this kamadhenu, the maha mantra’ jeevane yavadadanam syat pradanam tatodhikam’ and make their lives purposeful and joyful.

Ma Eknathji’s Birthday was also celebrated on the same day by Sandeepani Sishuvihar too. The parents, tailoring unit students, yoga varga members assembled at Dakshina hall of Ananda Dham to celebrate the event. All Children were well prepared to play their own role.
Bindu teacher, inmate of Anandadham, welcomed all the above for the function. The programme started with the prayers by all in unison. Master Arav and Agneya set the tone of the function with their brilliant performance former dressed as Ma. Eknathji and the latter as Swamiji. All the children were dressed as Ma.Eknathji, supported them with their part, reciting from memory, short paragraphs from the Sadhana Oru Tapas (Sadhana of Service –Malayalam version). Ma Lakshmi Didi in her talk explained how Ekanathji made an impossible task possible and built the Memorial in short span of time an encouraged all who were present visit Kanyakumari to have firsthand experience. The programme concluded with paying floral tributes to Ma. Eknathji and chanting of Shanti Mantra.


Sishuvihar children in Amrita Vidyalayam with their escot teachers. For the firs time both LKG and UKG tots participated in an Inter school Art the end of which each received a memento and a balloon, the most precious gifts. The heavenly smile in their faces!!

Children are like precious gems. Children are adorable. They are like divine gifts that parents get from the almighty. Their eyes are full of innocence. They smile when they receive love and admiration, they cry when it is their first day at school away from their parents, they giggle when they mingle with their buddies, and they signify nothing but the pure and faithful love. They truly symbolizes god.

14th November is celebrated as children's day in all over India. Childhood memories are sweetest of all. They can be savored for a lifetime. Children's day celebration is fun for the little ones but it is important for the parents too. Every parent must understand the importance of the children's day. Parents should be well aware about the little desires of their angels.

The tiny tots of LKG and UKG of Sandeepani Sishuvihar put up a short programme with the help of their teachers on 14th November which is their 'Sisudinam'. It began with an opening prayer, lighting of the lamp by three 'Sishu' Guests Master Arav, dressed as Chacha Nehru , Master Agneya dressed as Swami Vivekananda, Kumari Anagha as Sister Nivedita. They were welcomed to the dias by offering a colourful rose flower to each by the LKG tots.Sri Sudhakarji and Mananeeya Didi too sat with them to encourage them and give their blessings. Each of the tiny tots presented either a song, rhyme or story. The tailoring students and teachers, the yogavarga members and inmates of Anandadham were all present to watch them perform!



 On 6th November, 25 children
                                from Sanskar Varga groups of Aripalam, Edavilangu, Sringapuram and  Sishuvihar kids of UKG class along with their mothers were present for Diwali celebration on 6th November in the evening at 4.30 p.m.Ma.Didi spoke to the children and mothers about the significance of this Diwali day. Home-made sweets were served to all of them . At  the end all the children and mothers went to light lamps around the newly constructed park named ' Sishuvihar Vrindavanam'. 


                       Sneha Milan

Yoga varga and yoga satra leaders of Sringapuram-Anandadham, Keraliswarapuram, Anjepalam and Moothakunnam decided that from 5th November onwards, every Monday they all would gather at Andadham campus for Samuhika Surya Namaskar.
On 5th morning (Monday) at 6.a.m. Sixty one  practitioners gathered  at Anandadham's Sishuvihar Vrindavanam for Samuhik Surya Namaskar. After this Ma.Didi spoke to the practitioners. She told them that each of to    them should become the messengers of positive thoughts,by regular practising of this discipline called Yoga. Their lives could be examples to attract more and more seekers of this path of peace and wellbeing. One's health is always in one's hand  and Yoga is like a 'Kamadhenu' which provides whatever one asks for  -she said.
 It was a good start and need to be continued, all felt so.


 Kerala Piravi was celebrated by the tiny tots of Shishuvihar with the help of their teachers and the inmates of Anadadham on 1st  November. A medicinal plant Indian Rosewood or simply Sissham was planted in the park and all children took a vow to pour a mug of water on it each day'

 As a flood relief aid , Vivekananda Kendra handed over a cheque of Rs 25000/- to the S.N.V.U.P school at Elthuruth . The school suffered heavy loses, one of which was complete damage of their library books worth Rs 25000/-.At a function in their school, Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi handed over the cheque to the Headmistress Smt Shobhana, in the presence of Vidyarthidayini Sabha Chairman Professor  Ravi, Kodungallur Municipality Chairman Sri Jaitran Master, School manager Sri C.Thamarakshan and the Ward Councillors Smt Parvathy and Sri Vaiju.


Kerala Piravi was celebrated by the tiny tots of Shishuvihar with the help of their teachers and the inmates of Anadadham on 1st November. A medicinal plant Indian Rosewood or simply Sissham was planted in the park and all children took a vow to pour a mug of water on it each day.

As a flood relief aid, Vivekananda Kendra handed over a cheque of Rs 25000/- to the S.N.V.U.P school at Elthuruth. The school suffered heavy losses, one of which was complete damage of their library books worth Rs 25000/-.At a function in their school, Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi handed over the cheque to the Headmistress Smt Shobhana, in the presence of Vidyarthidayini Sabha Chairman Professor Ravi, Kodungallur Municipality Chairman Sri Jaitran Master, School manager Sri C.Thamarakshan and the Ward Councillors Smt Parvathy and Sri Vaiju.


On the 19th October,toddlers of Sishuvihar and the neighbourhood were seen arriving one by one holding hands of their parents,for Vidyarambham ceremony. Sitting on the lap of Their Didiammuma
( Ma.Lakshmi Didi) holding their hands, they are made to write 'Hari Sree Ganapataye Namaha' on a plate containing rice grains. The older children then wrote on rice grains by themselves before they could take the books which they had kept at the feet of Goddess Saraswati for her blessings.

After Dashami programme at about 10.30 a.m. all the children were led to the newly created park named as 'Sishuvihar Vrindavanam' .Smt Vijayalakshmi teacher -retired principal of Govt.Higher .Secondary school,Kodungallur,who was the sponsorer of the Merry-go round, one of the play items in the park,  was invited for the occasion . Inauguration was done by the children . From that  day onwards the park was opened by Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi  for  the Sishuvihar students as well as other children  .


This year Navratri started on 10th October,Wednesday. As usual a beautiful collection of gods and goddesses in the form of dolls 'bomma' were kept on the stage of the Dakshina Hall. Daily lighting of lamp and puja in the morning with the chanting of one chapter of 'Devi Mahatmyam' each day by the inmates of Anandadham was a regular feature.

 On the eighth day i.e. 'ashtami ' day to get the blessings of Mother Saraswati to the Goddess Saraswathi, all students place their books , pens, pencil   , instruments ( musical or any other) in front of the deity. The books are worshipped and they are allowed to take their things back only on the 10th or 'dashami' day. Children from the neighbourhood, Sishuvihar present students and ex-students totalling about 60 students all came to place their books in front of Mother Saraswati deity.

On the ninth day morning ('navami') 51 kumaris or girls of age 15 and below were worshipped ( kumari puja)by their mothers and inmates of Anandadhama. Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi guided in performing  of the puja.

Devastating Floods and Following Relief Work by Vivekananda Kendra, Kodungallur

August 15th 2018, the day and the night will remain in the memory of all for many years to come. The heavy downpour of the day had the rivers, back waters and canals overflowing. By the 16th water had entered the rooms on the ground floor and three cottages at Anandadham. Most of the people from neighbouring houses had already moved by as early as 1 am on 16th . No one had anticipated this calamity, hence the limited number of boats, both public and private could hardly cope up to the demand of moving people, let alone property. The rising waters removed the demarcation between roads and canals. The inmates along with our pet dog Acchu moved to our well wisher Smt. Padma Adikal’s house which was located close to the Bhagavathi Amman temple. One had to literally wade through hip deep water to reach the main road.
The flood water rose further and by 17th it was close to 7 feet at Anandadham. In other places it was even higher. The flood situation in the entire state turned very grim and most parts of Kerala were submerged. There were many deaths reported from different parts, and people were being evacuated to schools/public buildings located on higher ground level. Power supply, Communication network, and drinking water supply was disrupted; Navy was deployed to evacuate the stranded.
It was only by evening of 19th that the flood waters started receding. Thousands of displaced families were given shelter at Govt Girls School, Govt Boys School, Amrita Vidyalayam, O.K Hall. etc. in and around Kodungallur. In each camp there were around 1000 homeless people. Most affected areas of Kodungallur were Elthuruthu and Kavilkadavu, which were by the side of the back waters. Many families from close by places like Moothakunnam, Andipilikavu, Vavakad etc. were given shelter in the camps
The current state of deluge in Kerala is reminiscent of that monsoon, almost a century back(1099 ME), when ‘God’s own country’ was transformed into a calamity zone. “It seemed as if the skies had been ripped apart as the waters burst out endlessly, transforming the bountiful scene into one of catastrophe,” writes historian Manu Pillai about the ‘great flood of 99’ in his book, ‘The Ivory throne’.
By the last week of August people started returning to their whatever was left of their “home”.

Flood Relief and Rehabilitation works in Kodungallur
Vivekananda Kendra Kodungallur under support from our headquarters in Kanyakumari undertook Flood Relief and Rehabilitation works in and around Kodungallur. As early as August 18th Kendra started it relief operations, by helping with cooking of food which was being done by Seva Bharathi for the various relief centres in and around Kodungallur. With the water starting to recede by late 19th evening further relief service of Vivekananda Kendra were coordinated from the Kendra Campus at Anandadham.
Kendra started its Relief Operation on 18th August by helping in cooking food for around 1500 affected people in one relief centre with Seva Bharati. After water receded from Vivekananda Kendra campus, further services were coordinated from Kendra Campus.
Families returning back to their homes from the relief camps were confronted with the serious issue of wells contaminated by the flood water, and with no water supply from the Municipality, Vivekananda Kendra started to supply drinking water to about 150 house around Anandadham. Access to the narrow lanes of the village areas was accomplished using a smaller vehicle carrying a water tank of 1000 litres for distribution of drinking water. Along with this Kendra started providing lunch for about 300 people a day which also included packaged drinking water. This started on 24th and continued for couple of days. Cleaning material consisting of brooms, wiper, bleaching powder, gloves, masks, and chlorine liquid for water purification was distributed to 50 houses within the vicinity of Anandadham.
While the drinking water supply was being done, a preliminary survey was also done and 342 houses were identified. The identified families were distributed cash coupon to the value of Rs. 500/- which they could redeem for necessary provisions from the nearby cooperative store, as a Phase I activity. A small program was arranged in which Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi, Director, Vivekananda Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation Kodungallur presided over the function. Shri Sudhakarji Sushree Sutapa, Sri Raghunathji(Kendra Jeevanvrati Karyakartas), Smt Padma Vivekanandan, Sri Premanath and all the workers of Kendra were present along with the beneficiaries. Sudhakarji explained to the people how they could utilize the token for purchasing the needy items of their choice worth Rs. 500 from Coop Consumers Stores, Kodungallur. Ma. Lakshmi Didi told the people that, Kendra buildings and its premises were also under water for 4 days and we are also equally affected by the flood, like them. Even then, keeping in mind Swami Vivekananda’s call “Serve man, Serve God”, Kendra Karyakartas plunged into action to help the fellow beings in their distress and suffering. We appealed to the people of our country to join in the great task of relief work with Kendra and the help started pouring from different parts of the country by well-wishers and kind souls.
Smt. Padma Vivekanandan, wife of Rtd Major General Vivekanandan, addressed the beneficiaries and encouraged the people to face the situation with courage and cooperate with Vivekananda Kendra in the Relief works. Later, two counters were arranged to distribute the Relief coupons manned by Kendra Karyakartas. They collected back the tokens that were given to them at the time of selecting the beneficiaries and distributed Relief Coupons to them. Snacks, drinking water and cleaning items such as hand gloves also distributed among them. A register with address and full details of the beneficiaries was also prepared for further Relief and Rehabilitation purpose.
Relief materials such as medicines, clothes, sanitation items, food items- rice, pulses, and biscuits, milk powder which came in from Mumbai, Pune and Bilaspur were sorted out and kept ready for distribution. The two volunteers from Jnanaprabhodini who brought the medicines from Pune left after spending couple of days in the relief camp. We had received 57 bundles of clothes from Lioness Club, Bilaspur, and Chhattisgarh. Kendra Karyakartas sorted and segregated them as blankets, bed sheets, shawls, ladies, gents’ and children’s garments. On 28th, people were allowed to take them as per their choice and the whole lot was distributed by 29th evening. Also, 200 men were given a set of one lungi and one undergarment. Around 100 people got cleaning materials such as phenyl, room cleaner and disinfectants. Other organizations and schools also started distributing food packets to some of the families who had come back to their houses and cleaning work was being done. Hence by 30th, Kendra concluded lunch distribution with a grand feast.
Two batches of Kendra Karyakartas led by Shri Sudhakarji and Shri Raghunathan went around the affected area from Undakadavu to Pullut bridge, to see the actual situation of the returning families from Relief Camps. About 1700 families were visited and identified the beneficiaries for the second stage of Rehabilitation by Kendra. A list was prepared and a token was issued with their Aadhar Number (to avoid any kind of misuse or duplicity). The survey continued for two more days. The data collected was extensive as compared to the earlier survey with details like number of children studying in various classes, their loss of dress, uniform and study materials, any health problem after coming back home from relief center, damage of the houses, loss or damage of items of livelihood like tailoring machine, fishing net etc. Kendra decided to leave out some families for now, who though affected by the floods were able to start afresh on their own.
The final list was for 400 families who were asked to come to Kendra on 3rd September at 10:30 am with the token and identity document. There were couple of families who had not returned from the relief camps, such families were also provided with the tokens. Hence the total families were more than 400. It was also planned to provide lunch packets and packaged drinking water for all those who come as they would get late in reaching their homes.
Phase III started on 31st August with a full fledged Medical camp which continued for a month. Medicines for the camp were contributed by Jnanaprabhodini team from Pune. Doctors and medical assistants were from within Kendra’s well-wishers. A small function was arranged in the main hall ‘Dakshina’ at 2:00 P M. Ma. Dr Lakshmi Kumari, Director, Vivekananda Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation, welcomed the public and introduced the medical team. In her brief welcome address, Lakshmi Didi mentioned that, if some medicine was not available in the camp and the patient could not afford the cost, they could buy it from a nearby medical store identified by Kendra by showing the prescription; Kendra would pay for the same. The Medical team consisted of Dr. Suresh Babu (retired physician and Kendra well-wisher), Dr N.M. Vijayan (retired physician and Kendra well-wisher)), Dr. Krishnan Namboodiri (retired Govt hospital Civil Surgeon) and Dr. Satish (Orthopaedic surgeon). Mrs Lany, Mrs. Ajitha, and Mrs Raji assisted the doctors by dispensing medicines and as nursing assistant. In his inaugural address Dr. N.M Vijayan, informed the people about the possible health problems which can affect them if proper care is not taken. He also mentioned that many cases have been reported in and around Kodungallur due to the spread of dirt and contaminated water. He advised the public to take advantage of the camp and prevent diseases. General check-up and distribution of free medicines would continue on all Fridays and Tuesdays from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM up to September 28th 2018. It was planned to extend the camp after 28th September if required. On the first day 52 people came in for consultations and were provided with free medicine and health advices from the medical camp.
A simple function was arranged on 3rd September at 10:30 AM at Kendra. Dr. M Lakshmi Kumari chaired the function. Sri Anapuzha Muralidharan, well known author and a renowned primary school teacher (Rtd) was the Chief Guest. He emphasized the need for public cooperation with Kendra in all their activities which are primarily aimed at the welfare of the people. Shri Sudhakarji briefed everyone who were gathered on the how the materials will be distributed to the beneficiaries. He also declared Kendra’s extended Relief and Rehabilitation program. As part of the plan some selected people would get a certain amount for minor repair and maintenance for their houses, some fishermen would get financial help for purchasing fishing nets and a number of women would get trained in tailoring. Women who were already trained in garment stitching or similar Kendra would provide assistance in marketing the same. Kendra offered to provide a sewing machine to individuals if they would participate in the training program and offer services (tailoring) for a period of 1 year. A series of counselling program’s for students, women and men has been planned. Both the programs would begin in the month of October. All the three local body members representing the area also attended the function. In her concluding address, Lakshmi Didi highlighted the generous contribution of Kendra well-wishers all over India and the need of developing highly potential qualities of Tyaga and Seva. Later, the relief materials were distributed to the beneficiaries. It included: plastic mats, dhotis, saris', bed sheets, bathing towels, washing soaps, bath soaps, 20 litre plastic buckets, plastic mugs and one kilo bleaching powder. A 2 litre pressure cooker for each of the families was planned for 11th September. Lunch packets were also distributed to all who came for the program.
The news of Kendra’s aggressive relief work in the area around Anandadham quickly spread to adjacent villages and towns. Requests started coming in from other localities around Kendra. Shri Sudhakarji and Shri Raghunathan with some Staniya Karyakartas went to see the places and affected people.Shri Sudhakarji and Shri Raghunathan with some Staniya Karyakartas went to see those places and affected people., Areas like Vavakkadu and Oottukadu were very badly affected. Hardly any relief work had been done by any other agencies. After the visit to these areas, it was decided to distribute rice, sugar, tea leaves, and salt, cooking oil, some masala and pulses for 100 families in Vavakkadu. In Oottukadu, plastic mats, ladies, gents, and children’s garments, bed sheets, bathing towels and cleaning materials were found urgently needed for at least 100 families. So these things were distributed on in both the areas.
On 24th September, the balance of the items for relief were distributed. Beneficiaries who had not come on the previous day collected there kits. Around 400 people turned up on 24th although the items available were only for about 200. The rest were given something for now. The second of the medical session camps functioned in the second half with Dr. Vijayan, Dr. Suresh Babu and Dr Namboodiri. 51 patients came in for consultations. 30 TT injections were given, and the medicines for next four days were given to the patients. For medicines that were not available Kendra, arrangements were made to get them from the local drug stores. Sri Vinay, Kartik and Tushar of Jnanaprabhodini, Pune took permission to leave from Man. Lakshmi Didi after having a first hand experience of post flood operations.
On 6th September as part of the Phave IV, 60 girl students each of Govt. Girls Higher Secondary School, Kodungallur received a kit that contained a school bag, 5 to 10 note books, one Geometry box, pens and pencils 2 each, clothes for one set of school uniform from Ma. Didi organised as part of a small function in their school. Similarly on 7th September another 60 girl students of Govt Boys Higher Secondary School Kodungallur too received uniforms and study materials from Ma. Didi. The same day 100 families of Pallamthuruthu received kits with food items worth Rs 600/- each. On 8th September 100 flood affected people of Vavakad, in adjacent Ernakulum district were also provided kits. Both these 200 families were identified by our yoga students who stayed in those areas.
11th September, alongwith the anniversary celebrations of Swamij’s Chicago address, 320 beneficiaries where provided with a 3 litre pressure cooker each. On the 12th four Fishermen received new fishing nets with the blessing of Ma. Didi. The nets were worth about Rs. 15,000/-. Another set of 300 flood victims identified by our yoga students and well wishers received kits containing provisions, clothing and mats and bed sheets. On 26th September, 33 ladies from the localities around Kendra, registered their names for the tailoring class named as “Nivedita Swasraya Parisheelana Kendram” which started on 30th September. Two teachers and a supervisor will look after the centre. The course will be of three months duration, free of cost. This training centre has been planned for a year for the time being, with the idea of rehabilitating the ladies (housewives) who have suffered much losses due to the floods.
This quantum of relief work was only possible for the whole hearted contribution of our well-wishers from all over India, Our special thanks to Jnanaprabhodini group of Pune, well-wishers of VK Madurai, Bharathiar University of Coimbatore’s NSS team who sent a truck load of materials including eatables, clothes and other essentials, Rotary Cochin for getting us 1000 litres of bottled drinking water from Kinley, well-wishers of Rajasthan and Gujarat, VKV students of Arunachal Pradesh and Valliyoor, Sri Samasta Mahajan of Mumbai, who contributed maximum for the relief work. Sri Pradeep and team from Coimbatore and last but not the least but for the seva of innumerable volunteers including Yoga Varga karyakartas, YCC karyakartas, QCI coaching students, parents of Sishuvihar students, SamskarVarga karyakartas, well-wishers and neighbours. A Herculean task.