Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi inaugurated the Shibir.

Sessions on creativity were conducted by the group leaders, Sri Amal and Kum Lakshmi. They taught the children how to create best from waste eg Candle -stands with pistachio shells, vases, caterpillars, dolls, table mats and 3D houses from newspapers and clay models from
' shilpakar'. Games and Suryanamaskar were taken by group leaders-Kum. Sreelakshmi and Kum. Anushree.
Classes on storytelling were conducted by Sri Sudhakarji and Sri Vasu Master, a dramatist from Perinjanam. On the fifth day, there was an interactive session on health and proper diet, by Dr. Arun, a neurologist by profession.
On the sixth day, a concluding programme was put up by the children. They had invited their parents for the concluding programme. A display of their creativity was arranged for their parents and the Chief Guest to see. The Chief Guest was Smt Saraswathi teacher, Principal of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Vidya Mandir, Kodungallur.The programme started at 12 noon and ended by 1 pm. The parents and the Chief Guest were thoroughly impressed by the short but sweet programme.