This time 15th August turned out to be the most memorable day in the history of Anandadham.
Early morning at 6.30 in spite of incessant rain, more than 60 yoga practitioners in uniform gathered in the hall to perform Samuhika Surya Namaskar and a few asanas. Due to rains national flag was hoisted in the hall.

All the students of Sandeepani Sishuvihar with their parents were present for the flag hoisting. Sri Sudhakarji hoisted the flag. The parents had planned for Onam Aghosham on that day. Fresh flowers of different colours were bought. A beautiful ‘Pookalam’ (design or rangoli with flowers) was created by the mothers. Lots of games for children were conducted by the parents. Prize distribution for the winners were given and prizes were all

vegetables like corm(chena), Snake gourd, Pumpkin etc. wrapped in shining papers to look attractive. There was lots of laughter and jokes, dances and merry making with the children, their parents and teachers. Lunch followed after this. All kinds of delicacies brought by the mothers were served. After the nice sumptuous lunch all departed.
It was after the program that the inmates became aware of the rise in water level of the canal adjacent to our compound and by night the water had entered the compound! Beginning of a devastating flood unaware!