Today we were pleased to have Sri Kaithapram Vasudevan Namboothiri Master as unexpected guest. Master was in Kodungallur attending a programme and paid a visit to Kendra to meet Ma. Lakshmi Didi. When we requested, he was very happy to be with us and take a class. Master was so unique, handling a difficult subject like Yoga sutra, he won the hearts of everyone present with his simple and lucid explanation..

In his talks he beautifully explained the meaning of Prayers and Patanjali and a tip to keep the mind at ease

A serene and peaceful mind (citta-prasadanam) is cultivated (bhavanatah) by being friendly (maitri) towards happy people (sukha), compassionate (karuna) towards those who are suffering (duhkha), delighted (mudita) with those who are virtuous (punya) and disengaged or undisturbed (upeksa) by those who are doing harm (apunya).

Since relationships are such a huge part of our daily living and also have the potential to bring so much joy, Patanjali suggests that we practice our Yoga throughout our day while we relate to others. He summarizes people’s actions into 4 different categories and tells us that we have 4 great ways to (re)act to those to cultivate more calmness, more peace, more clarity.

He also explained the Meaning of prayer of Patanjali:

Yogena cittasya

– ”who by the yoga of mind”
Yogena ”by yoga”, Chittasya ”of mind/consciousness”

Padena vacam
– ”by the grammer of sanskrit purifies speech”
Padena ”grammer”, Vacam ”speech” – also understanding ”vak-tapasya” the power of speech

Malam sarirasya’ca vaidyakena

– ”and by ayurveda (removes) impurities of the body”
Malam ”impurity”, Sharirasya ”body” (Shariyam=body), ca ”and”, vaidyakena ”by ayurveda”

Yopa karottam pravaram muninam

– ”the best sages of all he who removed that”
Yo(ha)apakarot ”he who removed”, Tam ”that”, Pravaram ”the best”, Muninam ”Sages of all”

Patanjalim pranjaliranato’smi

– ”to that Patanjali I bow with my hands in prayerPatanjalim ”to that Patanjali”, Pranjaha ”with folded hands”, Ranatos mi ”I bow” (asmi: I).

and explained the biographical account of Patanjali Rishi