Dressed as Chacha Nehru was little Aradhya,in Swami Vivekananda 's attire came little Adwaita , as Sister Nivedita was little Padma, and little Badrinath Mananeeya Eknathji , Tiny Abhijit as Caccha's friend and the others dressed in their sports dress, our Sandeepani Shishuvihar tiny tots arrived sharp at 10a.m.along with their mothers and grandparents, to do seva by cleaning the surrounding of their school and Kendra campus. They worked so sincerely that within an hour they had cleaned the whole campus so neatly. Even the inmates of Kendra , their teachers and their grandparents took part in the 'Swachata programme'. What can be a better contribution on Children's' day.
After Shramasamskar, all gathered in the Dakshina Hall to listen to their short sweet speeches , songs and poems.This was followed by a grand lunch in the honour of the tiny tots!