A talk by Ma  Lakshmi Didi  was on  Google Meet  on 8th August, Sunday at 7 pm,  The programme was conducted by Samanvaya - Bangalore group. 40 families watched the webinar. Topic was 'Vivekananda Swamiyude Kalchapattil Ramayanam' or Ramayana as interpreted by Swami Vivekananda. Host of the G-Meet was Sri Jayasankar. This was the second G-Meet with the Samanwaya group addressed by Ma. Didi.
A second G-meet  by Ma.Lakshmi DIdi. It.was  on 14th August, 10 am,  conducted by Amrita Vishwa Vidyalayam, Amritapuri on 7th day and 13th class of  Amrita Gramayan  2020, Topic was ' Sanatana Jeevita Darshanam' , 95 people attended the G-Meet.