Showing posts with label Celebrations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Celebrations. Show all posts


Samartha Bharat Parva started with state level online Gita chanting competitions for students from Classes I to VI. The 12th chapter of Bhagavad Gita was chosen for the competition. 80 students from 12 schools from all over Kerala participated. The concluding function was on Gita Jayanthi day on the 25th December with an hour long online programme.


 Every year,on the occasion of  Holy Mother Sri Saradadevi's birthday, 'Matrupuja' is organised by Sandeepani Sishuvihar for the tiny tots as well as the samskar varga children, in the Campus of VKVVF Anandadham. 
This year 3rd of January morning 11a.m, was marked for the function. 6 children performed it offline at Anandadham ,whereas the rest 14 of them performed the puja online . Ma. Lakshmi Didi  conducted the puja. Overall anchoring was by Smt Mridula Chechi. Kumari Drishya one of the samskarvarga sikshaks and her cousin Sri Ram sang beautiful songs on Sri Ma and Devi before and after the puja. Sri Ram involved his parents and grandmother too in his kirtan on Devi. Though virtual, the whole programme was very encouragimg.

GITA JAYANTI 27.12.2020

 This years Gita Jayanti Celebration at VKVVF Kodungallur  was conducted online on Sunday,27th December . 

Previous to the that a State level  online Gita Chanting competition for students from classes I to VI was held.Students from 12 different school from all over Kerala participated . The 12th chapter was chosen for the chanting competition.More than 100 students registered. 80 students sent their video links. 

Programme started with invocation by Master Ananthakrishnan of class III from Sri Sai Vidya Bhavan  Kodungallur, and our ex- Sishuvihar student who chanted the Dhyana sloka of Bhagavad Gita

Sri Sashi Master, whole timer karyakarta and Saha Sikshana pramukh  of Sanskrit Bharati's branch Sankrit Pratisthan at Kodungallur, was the Chief Guest.In his address to the students who participated in the online programme, Master explained to them through small examples as to how Gita encourages one to face the difficilties in life.

In her benedictory address Ma. Lakshmi Didi who was also graced  the occasion, said that Bhagavad Gita teaches the lessons of cooperation and self development.

52 students with their family members participated in the programme. The prizes were announced at the end of the programme. Kum. Akshara  S of Cl II of Amrita Vidyalayam, Manantavady-Wayanad secured the first position in catgory I(Cl I to Cl II). Kum.Diya Sumesh of Class IV of Amrita Vidyalayam , Edapally,Kochi secured first position in the second category ( Cl III to V)  and Kum. Rithupoorna Shenoi of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavn -Kodungallur and Kum. Meenakshi S.Varma of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Girinagar, Ernakulam together secured the first position in category III (Cl VI). 

A special prize was announced for Kum Rituvarna a budding lawyer who was the lone participant in the adult group who were to chant any 5 slokas of the Gita and explain the meaning. 

 The vote of thanks was given by Sushree Bindu teacher and programme ended with shanti mantra.

All the 80 participants will be receiving E-certificates and the prizes will be directly sent to the nearby schools  and to the others who are far off  by speedpost.

sadhana divas

 Sadhana Divas was celebrated through a Webinar in Zoom in the morning from 10.30 a.m .It was a one and a hours program, kept for the contestant students of the All India online Quiz competition held in the the first week of November . Mananeeya Nivedita Didi , All India Vice president of Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari was the Chief Guest . 130 students and teachers and guardians attended the webinar from all over India. To take a given task seriously and with all conviction was what Mananeeya Nivedita Didi stressed while talking to the students. Ma.Lakshmi Didi, Director VKVVF, in her benedictory address spoke about the glory of India and why Swamiji loved India. A short video snippet on quotes of Mananeeya Eknathji by the tiny tots of Sishuvihar Kodungallur was shown . Prize winners of the Quiz were announced . VKV Vivek Vihar Arunachal Pradesh secured the first position followed by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Elamakkara Kochi in the second position and 2 consolation prizes for students of VKV NEPCO Yazali and VKV Vivek Vihar. Programme ended with Kendra Prarthana. In the evening from 3 .30 pm to 5 p.m there was a gathering of about 20 memberes consisting of the first and second batches of YCC and YIC students and other local Karyakartas at Anandadham VKVVF. On the auspicious occasion of Sadhana Divas Ma. Didi spoke on the importance of the day. Certificates were given to the 6 YCC students who successfully concluded their course and had submitted their project works to Headquarters Kanyakumari. As they would be regarded as eligible teachers from now on they were honoured with a ponnada or shawl and as they would be spreading the enlightening messages of Swamiji and Eknathji , they were also presented with a lighted lamp each.

New students for non residential course of YCC and YIC were also registered .5 students have agreed to take up yoga course.The programme ended with Kendra Prarthana.


On 26th October, 30 children mostly Sandeepani Sishuvihar's LKG and UKG tiny tots , ex students and other local children from the neighbourhood came by 6.30 a.m, at Anandadham to take back their books they had kept before Mother Saraswati on Ashthami day for Her blessings. 

After completing the ritual of writing 'Hari Srhi Ganapataya Namaha ' on raw rice either with the help of ma.Didi or their parents the tiny tots got their books form their teacher , enjoyed Devi's prasadam and then went back by 7.30 a.m.

Ofcourse mask and social distancing was strictly followed during the ritual , by the tiny tots and their parents .



Online celebration of Gandhi Jayanti was enthusiastically celebrated by the teachers and tiny tots of Sishuvihar. Little Abhijit of UKG dressed as Gandhiji gave his message to all others. !3 students and their family members attended. Ex students too participated along with their families . Smt Jaya Radhakrishnan, favorite of the tiny tots conducted the programme. Children either sang songs or talked about Gandhiji. Lastly Ma. Didi talked to all the children and their parents. 

All the tinytots seemed so much at home with the Online ways! 

Universal Brotherhood Day celebration



Preparations for Universal Brotherhood Day started well before September. Online Competitions were kept for the school students and also for the adults. 
1) All Kerala Elocution competition in Malayalam based on the Chicago speech of Swamiji was for the classes V to VII; Elocution competition in ENglish was for the High school students from class VIII to X. 
2) All India Quiz competition in English  was designed for the students of classes X, XI and XII. Topic was based on the videos of Ma.Lakshmi Didi on  series of  her talks on 'Love India as Swamiji loved Her'
3) All India Essay competition in English,Hindi or Malayalam for adults from 19 years to 30 years. The topic was similar to the quiz competition. 
    140 students registered for the elocution competition out of which 63 students sent their videos. 16 students from 5 different schools around Kodungallur  were from the junior section and 47were senior students from 13 different schools of Kodungallur , Thiruvananthapuram, Thrissur and Ernakulam.

    267 students registered for the Quiz and 113 only could appear online for the Quiz comppetition. Among them 250 students were from 21  VKVs of Arunachal Pradesh, 8 were from 3 VKVs of Assam, 2 were fro VKV Kallubalu  and the rest were Govt school students of Arunachal Pradesh( 3 students) and other schools of Maharastra( 4 students)
    121 participants registered for the essay competition.Out of them only 61 submitted their essays. Out of them 55 participants were from the different VKVs of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh and the rest from Bihar, Uttarakhand, Maharastra and Kerala.

On  11th September , Universal Brotherhood Day was celebrated in two sessions one in the morning from 10 a.m to 11.15 am and the second session from 4pm to 5.15 pm. Both were online sessions through Google Meet.
    For the first session Mananeeya Balakrishnanji , All India President of Vivekananda Kendra, was the Chief Guest. Attendance was more than 250 , hence many had to watch through You-tube link.Participants included that of Essay , Quiz and other local welwishers. Sushree Radha Didi - Sanghatak of Dakshin Pranta, introduced Mananeeya Balakrishnanji and Ma. Didi. Ma.Balakrishnanji was very pleased to see many  VKV teachers among those who attended the Meet and addressed the audience after Mananeeya Didi's introductory speech. After this  the Winners of the essay competition were declared. All the three winners of the First , Second and Consolation positions were VKV teachers. Essay written by Su. Sanchita Roy of VKV Doyan -Nagaland was  chosen to be the best among the 61 essays.
As for the online Quiz, it was unanimously decided that a second round of the same would be conducted in the month of November and winners declared on Sadhana Divas.Many of the 267 students who had registered , could not appear for the quiz for various reasons.
     For the second  session in the evening from 4pm to 5 pm was arranged for the all Kerala participants. Dr T.P.Sasikumar , a Space scientist by profession and a close well wisher of Vivekananda Kendra,was invited as the Chief Guest. 65 people attended.Ma. Didi and The Chief Guest  Dr T.P . Sashikumar was introduced and welcomed to the session by Sushree Radha Didi.After a short address by Ma. Didi and an inspiring talk by Dr Shashi Kumar, the prize winners of the elocution competitions were declared.  Kum Rithupurna of Class VI from Bharatiya Vidya Bhavans Kodungallur from  the junior section and Kum. Sanjana of Class VII from Arya Central School, Tvm, from the senior were declared as First prize winners of the elocution competitions. Cash prizes of Rs 1000/- for the first prize winners, Rs 750/- for the second prize winners and Rs 500/- for the third prize winners, will be received by the winners.A follow session every month with Dr TP Sasikumar is being thought of for the participating children, which will help them in their journey ahead.

Sri Krishna Jayanthi Celebration.


10th September was the auspicious day of Sri Krishna Jayanthi. This year was totally different because there were no tiny tots parading the campus of Anandadham dressed as Little Krishna and Gopikas. Little Krishnas could not come out of their houses.Parents could only send the photographs and videos of their wards in different poses. Children from 2 months to 12 years were all dressed as Krishnas or Gopikas and their parents witnessed their naughty pranks .
 In the evening an online Bhajan Sandhya was arranged through Google Meet.55 people watched the programme. The youngsters of Kodungallur , budding vocalists and children of Yoga Varga team were the singers .Apart from songs , there was a talk by  Mananeeya Didi on the significance of that day and a session on meditation taken by Sushree Radha Didi, Dakshin Pranta Sanghatak.
The  singers who sanctified the atmosphere with their melodious voices singing in praise of Sri Krishna were Kum Meera, Kum Malavika,  Kum,SreeLakshmi and Sri Vyshnav.Guru bhajan was sung by Su.Kalyani Didi - Nagar Sanghatak of VK Trivandrum branch and Ganesha bhajan by Smt Krishnapriya.


Onam -Aghosham

 Onam Aghosham started from the previous day of Onam with cleaning up the campus by the yoga Varga team. On that day the Niveditha Sasraya tailoring unit sisters too received their first remittance for their from the sale of theirfinished goods. They received from the hands of Ma. DIdi along with the 'Onam Kizhi'

on Saturday , after samuhika pratahsmaran, all the 17 yoga Varga team members headed by Sri P.N. Joshiji, with all the inmates  created a beautiful pookolam. Ma.Didi spoke to them on the importance of Onam. At the end Onam Sadia - breakfast was there for all. Breakfast was also sponsored by the team. 



Gurupurnima day was celebrated on 5th July         here at Anandadham . From 5.30 a.m to 8.00a.m  there was the regular Ganapathi homam and Srichakra Puja which is performed on all ( full moon ) purnima days.In the Dakshina hall.
In another hall (Sarada) , Gurupurnima was celebrated following the direction of the headquarters, with a few about 15 members which included mainly Yogavarga participants. The programme began with Shanti path and Aikya Mantra,followed by introduction by Sri Sudhakarji.Gurustotrmwas sungformthepadavali .Mananeeya Didi's blessings on the occasion was followed by pushparchana and meditation.Programme ended with Kendra prarthana.Prasad was served to all who were present  This programme went LIVE on Facebook and YouTube. Many of the yoga students joined the live programme.A total of nearly 70 people joined in the programme Details are:
  • Smt Suja ( yoga varga Pramukh) and Vighnesh( Y.C.C) with 5 sanskar varga children in Suja's  house   
  • Another group of 5 families ie. 20 people in Thrissur
  • A second groupof 5 families ( aproxm. 20 people) at Urakam,Thrissur
    2 families ( 8 people)in Kara   and 4 (16 people) families in Edavilangu, could not  join because of poor net connection.They  celebrated on their own according to the guidelines given by kendra through Smt Suja.

Names of the prize winners for the online competitions  held on the occasion of International Yoga Day were announced.
Out of the 35 participants who participated in the various  competitions meant for all age groups  from LKG to adults. 10 of them were declared as prize winners. In the story telling group consisting of LKG to Class I students, 5 of them from 4 different schools were the winners.In the Yogasana competitions the1st group consisting students of class II to class VI, 2 children were winners; the 2nd group consisting students of class VII to XII ,2 children were declared winner sand in the Adults group meant for the age group above 20 years ,only one participant was the winner. In all 10 schools participated in the first three groups.  All the participants received E certificates . 



 At Anandadham from the International Day of Yoga was celebrated with very few people.The programme started at 6.30 a.m and continued till to8.15 a.m. It started with Shantipath and Aikyamantra followed by Gita chanting. SriSudhakarji delivered the introductory speech on the importance of celebrating this Yoga day.There was was samuhika yoga practice  following the IDY protocol of  2020  by all the 16 participants gathered , abiding by the precautionery measures of the Covid 19 . Yoga geet followed by Mananneeya Lakshmi Didi's speech on the relevance of the day, were the next items.  After the speech, aoth or sankalpa taking concluding with Shanti Mantra. Breakfast was sponsored by Sri Joshiji, Samparka Pramukh of VKVVF.
Online  LIVE programme in Malayalam was telecast from 6.45 a.m for the whole of Kerala Vibhag and others all over India who preferred Malayalam as the language medium . Many people followed the live programme  In Thiruvananthapuram 11 people participated , In Punnakulam  24,In Pathanamthitta:25,In Chennai 260 (effort of Sri Satish Y.C.C), In Thrissur district, at many places of 
  • Kodungallur:namely ,in Kara: 25 people participated,in Valsalayam: 21,Edavilangu at 2 places: 2 teams totaling 30 people and at Pallinada 15 people participated. At Irinjalakuda, Chalakudy and Kunnamkulam, total  20 people followed  the programme and in  Thrissur  25 people participated . All of the above participents performed along with their family or neighbours.So total number was 456 .Other than these people nearly 150 others  watched it online. .


                                                             Samartha Bharat Parva started with 2 non residential half day 'Know Yoga' camps  for 250 students divided into 2 batches. The students were from Irinjalakuda Govt Higher Sec.School on 23rd December. Smt Suja Menon, saha Yoga Varga Pramukh conducted the classes. Classes included theory as well as practical classes on Yoga .                   

 On 3rd January, there was patriotic song competitions for the UP and High School section.Ma.Didi lighted the lamp and then blessed the participants encouraging them to take the opportunity as an offering to the Patriot Saint- Swamiji. 5 schools and a total of  40  students took part.

 On 4th January,there was folk group song competitions for U.P. and H.S students. 75 students from 9 schools registered . Total 65 students   from 7 schools participated.Folk song of various districts of Kerala were presented by the participants.

On 11th January,Sandeepani Sishuvihar teachers organised a 'Go as you like' fancy dress show. It was like a Deva Sangamam.All the 27 Sishuvihar children dressed up in
different costumes  as Sri Krishna,Balarama,Sri Radha,Sri Rama ,Sri Lakshman,Sita Devi ,Hanuman or as Thacholi Othenan, Unniyarcha Ayyankali, Pazhassi participated. Each of them spoke on different topics based on the messages of Swami Vivekananda or values of life.All their parents ,teachers and inmates of Kendra, around 50 people were present to listen to their short sweet speeches.

On 12th January Swamiji's Jayanti was celebrated in a unique way.
It started with , Samatva yoga sangamam. 170 yoga students assembled at South nada of Sri Kurumba Bhagavathi temple on 12th January sharp at 5. 45 am for procession from temple to Ananda dham. Sri Trivikraman Adigal lighted the lamp and handed it over to  Smt Suja Nair, Saha Yoga Varga Pramukh. In the procession along with all the yoga participants the Chief Guest of the programme, Sri Kaithapram Vasudevan Namboodiri-Chairman of Patanjali Yoga research training centre, Ernakulam and retd Major General Vivekanandan- a close well- wisher of Kendra, also accompanied followed in a line of two chanting pranava mantra. It was a treat to watch this all dressed in uniform walking carrying placards with Swamiji's messages , all  yoga students' procession. 

All the yoga students totalling 170 arranged themselves in a short span of time without wasting any time. The programme at Ananda dham started on dot at 6.45 am with prayer led by Sutapa didi and compeared by Smt Jayalakshmi followed by lighting the lamp by the Chief Guest. Ma. Lakshmi Didi in her inaugural address welcomed the Chief guest and all the assembled. She said let us try to understand the importance of Swami Vivekananda and imbibe the spirit of Swamiji. Sri Vasudevan Master in his address stressed on the need for understanding the concept of disease and how yoga can be a tool for making one's own body strong and also bringing an all-round development of an individual. Followed by the talk all yoga students performed yoga practices guided by Sutapa didi assisted by Master Rishikesh, Master Surya and Kum. Anusri. The programme concluded with a shanti mantra.

Concluding ,public programme of Vivekananda Jayanti celebration was conducted on 12th January  in the morning from 10 am to 12 noon.
The programme started with Vandana followed by welcome address by Lakshmi didi, lighting the lamp and blessings in the form an inspiring speech by the Chief Guest -Rev Swami Saradananda , Acharya of the Chinmaya Mission International, Piravam. In his talk Swamiji covered all the significant aspects of Swamiji and reminded the audience Vivekananda Swamiji left behind a legacy of 1500 years. Lot more to be achieved time for a wake-up. All the prize winning students were given away the prizes and rolling shields were given to Bharatiya Vidya Mandir and Govt UP school, konathukunnu. The programme ended with thanksgiving. All who were present received prasadam. A close well wisher of Vivekananda Kendra Sri Murali and his wife Smt Rema  sponsored lunch for all the 200 people who were present for the function. 


Kalpataru Day also called Kalpataru Diwas or Kalpataru Utsav is an annual religious festival observed by monks of the Ramakrishna Math monastic order and lay followers of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda worldwide.
The event commemorates the day on January 1, 1886, when his followers believe that Ramakrishna revealed himself to be an Avatar, or God incarnate on earth. It is held each January 1. Although the observances are held in many locations, the most significant celebration takes place at Cossipore Garden House or Udyanbati near Kolkata (then called Calcutta), present Ramakrishna Math, a branch of Ramakrishna Order, the place where Ramakrishna spent last days of his life. It is classified as one of the "Lord's special festivals" by followers of Ramakrishna.
On that day, at Ananda dham all the yoga varga participants celebrated the event with prayers and an inspiring talk by Ma Lakshmi Didi on the significance of the occasion and the need to bring in our life the knowledge and understanding of all the activities that we do in our day today lives.An eventful sankalpa in the New year.This was followed by the regular usual practice of samuhika yogabhyas.  
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Master Ananthu -Class I
15 participants took part in the Gita chanting competition held on 24th December.Children from LKG ,UKG to college going students took part.
Master Abhijit LKG
A quiz on Bhagavad Gita was kept for the audience too.      30 people participated in the Quiz.
Apart from Sandeepani Sishuvihar, other school children too participated.
Ma.Didi explained the importance of chanting in Sanskrit, how it purifies one's speech. Pronouncing Sanskrit words brings clarification of speech. Hence in modern days Sanskrit chanting is used as  a tool in speech  therapy .


On this auspicious day, the morning's programme started with a short prayer. Ma.Lakshmi Didi addressed the group of 20   participants.While narrating the story of the Rock Memorial, Ma.Didi stressed on how one  can do wonders if one has intense faith in oneself, determination and the love and regards for the purpose or mission of one's life.Ma.Ekanathji's mission of life was Man Making and Nation Building through the path shown by  Swami Vivekananda. Thus the construction of His Memorial was just the first phase and  an  organisation bearing      Swamiji's name, became the second phase. His intense love for Swamiji and his faith in himself lead him to succeed in his Mission in spite of innumerable hurdles that came on the way.
All of those present paid their homage to Ma.Eknathji by offering of flowers before the portrait.The programme ended with Shanti Mantra.

In the forenoon the Nivedita Swasraya Tailoring unit group of 15 ladies including the 2 teachers gathered in the Dakshina Hall. 19th November  proved to be a special occasion for VKVVF as this day was chosen to expand our self help venture for women into a self help Commercial Activity.With 10 sewing machines ad more than 30 trained ladies we thought that we should expand their self help idea into a more tangible income earning project.
Each of the 15 ladies who were present including the teachers contributed  whatever they could from Rs 1000/- to Rs 5000/- and embarked  on a project of stitching bags , skirts , nighties, churidars etc, and selling them at reasonable rates . This is sure to bring them decent monthly income in addition to utilizing their time profitably and fruitfully,which otherwise would be washed on TV serial shows or gossiping . Coming to Kendra also indicates in them an attitude of surrender, power behind 'nishkama karma' and much needed spiritual awareness. With this hidden agenda we have offered our new venture of Nivedita Swasraya Tailoring Unit  as our Smarananjali to Ma.Eknathji on his 105th birthday.
Ma. Didi and Sri Sudhakarji spoke to them. All the participants offered flowers before the portrait of Ma.Eknathji. The meeting ended with Shanti Mantra.


 Navratri started from 29th September. On the 7th day was Saptami. This day all the students place their books in front of Mother Saraswati in the evening,to receive her blessings.They are to collect the books on the 10th day or Vijaya Dashami after writing the name of Ganapati on uncooked rice placed on brass plates in front of the Devi.
Literally the small children are very happy during these 3 days since there is no one to force them to study . They are not supposed to read or write.
The children out here in and around Anandadham campus, from toddlers to teenagers , all come with their mothers and other relatives during these 3 days and sing bhajans in front of the bommakolu every evening for an hour. They leave after taking the prasad offered before Devi.This year too there was a good crowd especially on Mahanavami day.55 students had kept their books for blessings of Devi.
On 8th,Vijaya Dashami day, all the children came in the morning to take back their books .Many toddlers had their Vidyarambham from Ma.Didi's hands.Other small children including LKG and UKG tots sat on the laps of  Ma.Didi and Sri Sudhakarji to write the name of Ganapathi, on rice before taking their books back.
Everyone of them received prasadam. Around 100 people including the children and elders attended


Navaratri began from 29th September
Bommakolu.Keeping a Bommakolu(arrangement of dolls), an essence of Navarathri celebrations in the South, has its own significance too.To project the fact that the same 'Shakti' or energy flows through every object on earth, animate or inanimate. Thus kolu represents the idea or is the  personification of the Mother of the Universe. 


7th September it was Onam celebration for the tiny tots of Sishuvihar, their parents, the( older)ex- students of Sandeepani Sishuvihar with their parents, the YCC and YIC students who come for regular weekend classes, Yogavarga members totalling 200 of them. All the mothers together created a beautiful design with flowers (poo kolam) followed by Ma. Didi's talk on the significance of Onam.After this there were  songs of Onam, Thiruvadira dance by mothers and children's' bhajans all together creating  a spiritual yet festive atmosphere . At the last there was the Onam sadya or feast.A sense of togetherness created when they took food together. All of them thoroughly enjoyed. 


The Campus of Anandadham was crowded with tiny tots of Sisuvihar and slightly bigger children, and even toddlers from around our neighbourhood.Some were dressed as radhas, some as gopikas and the rest as Sri Krishnas.The stage was full with the tablo of these children posing in different ways. Judges were there to spot the good, better and best poses and prizes were there for everyone who participated. There were Krishna bhajans by budding singers. The whole atmosphere Anandadham was filled with 'Ananda'.
51 children in all participated and parents of each of them, along with teachers inmates of Anandadham were all present to witness the grand show.


The tiny tots celebrated Raksha Bandhan on 19th August,the day their school reopened after the floods.
 Ma Didi explained to them about the significance of the celebrating Rakshabandhan. Didi explained to them that in order to understand the great concepts of our rishis eg.'Vasudhaiva kutumbakam' or the whole universe is one  family,in our Indian culture several celebrations are  are there. Raksha Bandhan is one such celebration. All the 26 children, their parents teachers and inmates of Anandadham were present. Didi and Sri Sudhakarji in turns tied rakhis round thechildren's wrists. The children were thrilled!