Showing posts with label report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label report. Show all posts



During the Shatabhisheka celebration of Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi, out of the donations which were received, the committee had decided to build two houses for two really deserving ladies. One of them who was Smt Padmini from Edavilangu had a plot of ground, and  on 10th July, Saturday, work started for the demolition of the dilapidated structure and foundation was laid by Ma. Didi to start building anew. The house was complete in the last week of December. But for the selfless work by the  Seva Bharati workers who didnot charge anything for constructing the beautiful house     in a short period of 5 months.

'Grihapravesham ceremony' of  Smt Padmini's was done on 5th January 2021 on the auspicious occasion of the Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi's 168th birth tithi. Along with the committe members namely Sri Anilji, Sri P.N Joshiji and Sri Premnathji , Ma.Lakshmi Didi, Sri Sudhakarji and Sri Raghuji of Vedic Vision foundation, others were Sri Padmanabhanji-Jilla Sangha chalak of RSS , Dr Muralidharanji -Director of All India Hindi Prachar Sabha , Sri Sashinderanji -Grama Seva Pramukh of Kodungallur under R.S.S and ward Panchayat member Smt Ashaji who were also present to grace the occasion.Ma Didi handed over the keys of the house to Smt Padmini amma. It was an emotional moment for both the receiver and the giver. Ma. Didi thanked all especially the Seva Bharati workers for their selfless service!



30th December, was Purnima  and Thiruvathira ( birthday of Lord Shiva)day. As a regular activity, on every purnima day an online  bhajan Sandhya is conducted alternately by Thiruvananthapuram branch and VK Vedic Vision Foundation project centres. 

On 30th December it was the turn of VKVVF . 29 families watched  the programme online. 

The schedule was as follows: Overall anchoring was by Smt Mridula chechi.

Blessings by                    Ma. Lakshmi Didi

 Stavan                            Su.Sutapa Didi

 Guru Sloka                     Smt Sajitha

 Guru Bhajan                  Kum. Kokila

 Shiva ...                          Kum Athira

 Devi ...                           Smt Remya

 Rama ...                        Kum.Malavika

 Krishna...                     Sri Vaishnav

 Ayyappa                       Su. Priya Didi & Grp. 

Nirvanashatakam           Su. Kalyani Didi

Meditation                     Su. Radha Didi

 Kendra Prarthana         Smt Suja

Arogyam -December

On 13th December, Sunday, 'AROGYAM',an online  , one hour yogasana programme , to be conducted for three consecutive months on Sunday evenings,was innaugurated .A new effort to make Kodungallur 'COVID' free or to help out the local people from the fear of the pandemic. Programme started at 4p.m.  Ma. Lakshmi Didi inaugurated. 86 people attended out of a total of 250 people approached . One to one Samparka by each of our Yoga Varga members through notice distribution and personal consultation was made .              Simple breathing exercises                                                                              which would increase lung capacity and also the immune power, were introduced  by Sri Sudhakarji who conducted the    programme. This step taken by VK   Vedic Vision Foundation was highly appreciated by   those who attended.
        Second class was on 20th December, Sunday at the same time in the  evening. Nearly 50 families were  present for the second days class.
  On the 27th December the 3rd weekly online class was conducted . Introduction to sitting special breathing exercises and pranayama were taught during the session. Practice was always followed by question answer session.



10th DECEMBER ’20: Every year Paravur Peruvaram Mahadeva temple conducts spiritual discourse in the mandala season. This year on 10th December at 7 p.m. in an online meet,  Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi gave a talk on Swami Vivekananda’s message. Didi especially stressed on the fact that each work one does helps to raise one’s physical, mental and spiritual levels to higher plains and at the same time helps to develop the society.45 people attended .


Ganapathi Homam and Bhajan Sandhya

  31st October:Every Purnima day, there is                     special Ganapathi Homam and Sree                             Chakra  Pooja as is performed regularly on every
                                                                                Purnima day..In the evening an online bhajan Sandhya was conducted by 
Vivekanananda Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation (Vibhag: Kerala; Project : Kodangullur )  As part of the regular Bhajan Sandhya on all Purnima Days by Vivekananda Kendra- Kerala Vibhag, this time the lead was taken up by Kodangullur on Oct 31st, Saturday from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. 
The occasion was also used to celebrate Valmiki Jayanti with almost 31 participants.                                 Bhajan Sandhya was charged with extremely soothing and calming devotional songs and popular songs.The details as follows:
Anchoring: Kum.Drishya.
Talk on Valmiki Jayanti by Ma.Dr.Lakshmi Kumari Didi
Guru Sthothram - Kalyani Didi 
Guru Bhajan: Kum. Kokilla 
Ganesha Bhajan: Kum.Malavika
Shiva Bhajan: Kum. Gopika
Devi Bhajan: Kum. Sreelakshmi 
Ram Bhajan  : Kum. Sreelakshmi 
Krishna Bhajan : Kum.Malavika
Mishra Bhajan: Kum. Gayathri                                                                                                                  Nirvanashatakam: Priya Didi
Meditation with Shaanti Mantra  : Ma.Radha Didi
Kendra Prayer : Sutapa Didi.                              



On 6th September the director of Centre for Policy and Devvelopment Studies Sri Arun Lakshman invited   Ma.Didi along with Ma.Balakrishnanji –all India President of Vivekananda Kendra and S Sethumadhavan –Akhil  Bharatiya Karya Karya Sadasyan, RSS  in a Webinar.In the  programme Ma Balkrishnanji and Ma LakshmiDidi  shared thoughts on ‘ Glorious fifty years of  Vivekananda Rock Memorial ‘in a webinar  arranged by Sri Arun Lakshman  journalist and Director of Centre for Policy and Development Studies(CPDS).

Man Didi addressed a webinar organised by Adhyatma Seva Kendra on 11th September. The Topic was Yogeswara Sri Krishna and Swami Vivekananda as Master Teacher. In all 80 people participated in the webinar, Presidential address  on  Zoom on 11th September from 6.30 pm.for the Valedictory ceremony  of month long Global Festival of Divinity in Humanity named 'Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum' organized by the Curator of the festival,  Dr A.Subramanian of  Adhyatma Yoga Academy and  Advaity Academy, Bangaluru. 80 people attended .



A talk by Ma  Lakshmi Didi  was on  Google Meet  on 8th August, Sunday at 7 pm,  The programme was conducted by Samanvaya - Bangalore group. 40 families watched the webinar. Topic was 'Vivekananda Swamiyude Kalchapattil Ramayanam' or Ramayana as interpreted by Swami Vivekananda. Host of the G-Meet was Sri Jayasankar. This was the second G-Meet with the Samanwaya group addressed by Ma. Didi.
A second G-meet  by Ma.Lakshmi DIdi. It.was  on 14th August, 10 am,  conducted by Amrita Vishwa Vidyalayam, Amritapuri on 7th day and 13th class of  Amrita Gramayan  2020, Topic was ' Sanatana Jeevita Darshanam' , 95 people attended the G-Meet. 


 17  toppers who received A+ in all subjects in the High school and Higher secondary level from the 17th and 18th Ward of  Kodungallur Municipality, were awarded on the 26th July, in the evening by the Ward Councillors  in coordination with Vivekananda Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation . The students were invited at Anandadham and with  a short half an hour programme, they were personally awarded mementoes and books as a token of appreciation for their hard work, which led to such success. Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi and two ward councillors Smt Parvathy and  Dr Ashalatha  gave away the tokens to the students.


During the Shatabhisheka celebration of Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi,out of the donations which were received , the committee had decided to build two houses for really deserving two ladies. One of them  who is from Edavilangu had a plot of ground,  and therefore on 10th July , Saturday, work started for the demolition of the dilapitated structure and foundation was laid by Ma. Didi to start building anew. The lady Smt Padmini, is a 60 year old widow with a son who is mentally retarded.Her married daughter has a 15 year old son totally mentally and physically retarded who needs full time attention and the girl cannot go to work.Her husband has divorced her seeing the pitiable condition of her son. The aged mother is the sole bread earner with MNGRA where she gets 10 days of work per month. Apart from Ma. Didi, Sri Sudhakarji, and the committee members Sri Shaliji, Sri  Anilji and Sri P.N.Joshiji were also present for the 'Bhumi poojan.


The well-wishers of Vivekananda Kendra Kodungallur deemed it a great privilege and honour to celebrate the Shatabhishekam (84th Birthday) of Dr M.Lakshmi Kumari, Director of VK Vedic Vision Foundation. As is well known, she is a person who, sacrificing her career as a scientist in the prime Agricultural Institution of India, IARI, Delhi had dedicated her life for furthering the activities of Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari and spreading the message of Swami Vivekananda for the spiritual upliftment of the society. For the last 22 years she had been heading the VKVVF here at Kodungallur at Anandadham and has rendered yeomen service to the society. Here is a brief report of the celebration that has left an indelible mark on our society. Many scholars, sanyasis and and leaders attended the Shatabhishekam and blessed Didi and Vivekanda Kendra on this auspicious occasion.
    The public celebrations were from 6th to 8th March 2020 which included:
1.     Vishnuprayaga: -
Acharya Sabha on 6th from 10 a.m. to 11.30. Sishuvihar children sang the prayer beautifully bringing the Vishnuprayaga to full form. All India Sanyasi Sabha Secretary Srimad Prabhakarananda Swami was the Chief Guest. He gave an overall view of Sanatana Dharma in general and Shatabhisheka in particular. Others who spoke were Sri P. Vishwaroopan (M.D. Janam TV), Dr M.S Muralidharan (Hindi Prachar Sabha) and Ka. Ba. Surendran (Bharatiya Vichar Kendra). Sri O.P. Suresh welcomed the gathering and Sri Shally gave vote of thanks
2.     Rudraprayaga: -
In the afternoon, there was a meeting of members from Dharmacharyas of Vaidika Tantrika Kshetras. Brahmasri Koru Asan Vaidika Kendra members offered prayers. Chief Guest was Dr Karumatra Vijayan, who gave a call to purify the temples and make them relevant by introducing Sanatana Dharma Coaching classes in every temple. Dr M.V. Natesan also emphasized this aspect in his talk. Kunnath Madam Parameswaran Unni Adigal and Brahmasri Bharatan Tantri were honoured. Sri Jayan welcomed the gathering and Sri Lalappan offered the vote of thanks. It was heartening to note that many temple authorities from different parts of the district added to the grace of the occasion by their active participation. Ladies group presented a Thiruvathira Kali as the finale of the programme.
3. Nandaprayaga: -
The programme on 7th bore the name Nandaprayaga. Brahmasri Narendra Adigal performed the Ganapati homa early in the morning followed by Narananeeya Parayana by Sri Durga Naraneeya Samithi, Pullut. Nandaprayaga was centered on an assembly of Acharyas which brought together some of the distinguished acharyas on the same stage. Students of Sri Sai Vidya Bhavan received Sampujya Chidananda Puri Swamiji of Kolathur Adwaita Ashram with Vedic chantings and Poorna Kumbha. The programme was then inaugurated by Sampujya Chidananda Puri Swamiji. Swami Purushothamanandaji of Vivekananda Ashram, Cherussery presided. Well-known Bhagavatacharya Srimad Swami Udith Chaitanya was the main speaker, who called upon the people to wake up to the call of Swami Vivekananda Uthisthata, Jagrata, Prapyavaran Nibodhata. Srimad Theja Swaroopanandaji of Kapilashram, Triprayar gave his benedictory address.
4. Karnaprayaga: -
The fourth congregation bore the name Karnaprayaga. Its main programme was Yoga Sanjeevani in which our YCC and YIC students presented yoga in attractive ways. Sri Premnathji, Saha Samparka Pramukh and yoga coordinator welcomed the gathering. Sri Sudhakarji gave the key note address. Yoga pyramid by the students of Sri Sai Vidya Bhavan, P Vemballur at the beginning was a noteworthy feature. Smt Jaya Sadanandan gave vote of thanks. 

5. Deva Prayaga:-  
March 8th being International Woman’s day, women dominated the session Deva Prayaga. Sri Nanda Kumar, Tantri from Ala, started the day with the usual Ganapati Homam. The programme was rightly a Matru Sangamam emphasising the role of women as wives and mothers, home makers in the society.
The Matru Sangamam was blessed by Sampoojya Avyaya Prana Mataji of Sri Sarada Math, Ernakulum by lighting the lamp and giving the benedictory address. Sri Jayalakshmi Sadanandan welcomed the gathering, predominantly women. Much to the delight of the audience five year old Kumari Aradhya of Sishuvihar introduced Ma. Didi without missing one word from her beautifully prepared speech. Smt. Usha Verma, Samyojika of Rashtriya Sevika Samithi presided and spoke about the problems present day women face in the society. Next came the key note address by Dr. Lakshmi Shankar, Head of Sanskrit Department, Sri Krishna College, Guruvayur, who is a very dear disciple of Mata Amrithanandamayi and also one very close to Lakshmi Didi. Women and family was the subject wonderfully dealt with by Dr. Lakshmi. The renowned artist Sri Davinchi Suresh offered felicitations. Kumari Bindu, longtime associate of Vivekananda Kendra Kodungallur, gave the vote of thanks.
Earlier in the morning there was Gopuja and chanting of Lalita Sahasranama etc. led by some fifty mothers.
6. Keshavaprayaga:- 
The sixth session was Keshavaprayaga.  Which was a  Kavya Sadas in which some of the well-known poets from Kodungallur were honoured. Sri Nandakumar welcomed the gathering. Mahakavi Sri Thayyapparambil Gopalan Kutty Menon, Sri P.S.S. Kaimal and Sri T.K Velu were honoured. Prof. Padma Devi, Sri Sopanam Unnikrishnan, Smt. Saji Madhu and Smt Anitha made the hall reverberate with their poetic presentations. Advocate Smt. Lisha Jayanarayan proposed the vote of thanks.
        The finale of the three days programme was indeed grand and soul filling. Ma. Didi was the central figure in the Nama Japa procession from Ananda Dham to Dr. Panicker’s hall. Panchavadyam and namajapa added to the dignity of the occasion. In the public meeting that followed Maj. Gen. Dr. Vivekanandan presided. Sri M. S. Muralidharan, the Chairman of the celebration committee welcomed the gathering. Srimad Swami Adyathmanandaji of Sambodh Foundation lighted the lamp and offered benediction. Sri P.E.B. Menon delivered the inaugural address. The Chief Guest was Sri J. Nandakumar (Prajna Pravaha of RSS) who spoke at length about the contribution of Didi as also about the great role that Vivekananda Kendra is playing since its inception 50 years ago. Felicitation was offered by Dr. Vasudevan Panicker.
In the reply Ma. Didi summarized the important landmarks in her long life, especially as a dedicated worker of Vivekananda Kendra. She thanked the organisers of the programme for the wonderful way they have honoured her. Last but not the least, she wounded up her speech by announcing two important  projects dear to her, namely installing a statue of Swami Vivekananda in Kodungallur and of building two houses for two poor sisters badly in need of shelter. This was much appreciated by the audience. With vote of thanks offered by Sri Pramod the three days programme came to a memorable conclusion.                                                                                                                                                                                            


Aravinda Keerti Mudra Award was conferred to Ma.Lakshmi Didi on 19th December for her extensive selfless  service for the upliftment of the common masses especially women. The award was conferred  by the Aravinda Charitable Society, Palikkathodu,Kottayam. Swami Sadananda,Acharya of Chinmaya  International Foundation Piravom who was the - Chief Guest , presented the award  in the presence of other dignitaries like Dr K.P. Kylasanatha Pillay -Senior advocate of Supreme Court of India , Sri Anirudhan-librarian of M.G  University and the Principal Smt Kavitha R.C of Aravinda Vidya Mandiram. The function was held in the mentioned Higher Secondary school run by the Society at Palikkathodu.
The award consists of a gold medal and a momento.


Divinisation of human life has beena pet theme of Indian seers.In every generation newer and wewer attempts are made by thinkers and social reformers to realise this highly meritorious ideal a living practice. Sri K.V.Dayal, concerned about the falling standards in human life -nature interaction has created a package of 20 formulae to rectify our  mistakes in agriculture practices,food habits education and inter human relationships.

On 15th evening Sri Dayal presented his ideas to a discerning audience at Vivekananda Kendra Kodungallur and invited them to participate in his 20 lecture course.Through a full day exposition he will deal with the problems connected with the above four major concerns of an individual's life so as to help one to de addict oneself from the wrong approaches and strive for happiness in personal and family life, reestablish sustainable agriculture- rectify the mistakes in the field of education and evolve newer and healthier practices in our food habits.

More than 50 people participated in the Introductory services of ' Vanaprastha' as Sri Dayal calls it. With reactions and eagerness many have come forward to participate in his wholesome programme of Divinisation of life.


Manorama Thampuratti was an 18th century Sanskrit Scholar. She belonged to Kizhakke Kovilakam of Kottakkal, a branch of the Zamorin dynasty of Kozhikode. Being a member of the royal family, she was fortunate to get a traditional Sanskrit education, which was not common for women at that time. She mastered the language and so got access to the treasure of knowledge on various shastras at a young age. She composed several verses in Sanskrit and was known all over Kerala as a gifted poet. However, except for few shlokas, not much is available of her work.
She was also the contemporary of (Dharma Raja) Sree Karthika Thirunal Balarama Varma Maharaja of Travancore (1724–98), who had the title 'Dharma Raja', meaning 'the king of righteousness'. During the time when Malabar was invaded by Tipu Sultan of Mysore, she stayed in exile at Travancore. It was during her exile at Travancore that the king completed the treatise on dramaturgy viz. Balarama Bharatham and Manorama Thampuratti offered her comments and suggestions, leading to its fruitful completion. Her correspondence with king Karthika Thirunal is of historic importance.
Commemorating the unique contributions of scholarly Princess of Samoodri clan ,in Manorama thampuratti name an award was instituted by the Zamorin of Kozhikode way back early fifties. This year the award was given to Dr M Lakshmi Kumari, Director, Vivekananda. Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation, Kodungallur.

Revathi Pattathanam is an annual scholars meet, organised by Revathi Pattahthanam Samitiunder Tali Mahadeva Temple.

On Sunday, 10th November , the meet was organised at the Zamorin HSSchool. The programme began with a special pooja at Tali MAhadeva Temple , followed by a procession of Thalappoli, panchavadyam and kalaripayattu beginning from the temple premises to the Pattathanam  Sala arranged at the Zamorin’s School.Zamorin KC Unni Anujan Rajais the Chief patron of Revathi PAttathanam. The Manorama Thampuratti Award was handed over to Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi by ZamorinKCUnni Anujan Raja. The inaugural session was followed by Rigveda Samhita presented by KMKM Jathavedan Namboodiri and Kothamangalam Vasudevan Namboothiri.M.P.MK Raghavan was the Chief Guest.MLA KNA Khader also presided.


Chandi yagam was  organised on the 9th November,  at Anandadham, in coordination with Antarastriya Hindu Parishad (AHP) workers.This Homam is done for the benefit of society.The programme started with Ganapathy Homam, in the early morning hours. After this Chandi Homam started by 9.30 a.m. Ten pujaries led by  Dr  Karumatra Vijayan and Sri Shivanji as the acharya performed the 3 hour yaga . The whole atmosphere was charged with the chanting of Devi Mahatmyam and Lalitha Sahasra  namam. Nearly 400 people attended. 

Certificate awarding function for the Tailoring Unit's first batch students

On 26th September, 33 ladies from the localities around Kendra, initially registered their names for the tailoring class named as “Nivedita Swasraya Parisheelana Kendram” which started with a meeting on 30th September. The first class was on 1st October. Two teachers Smt Jalaja and Smt Sajitha both of them being parents of Sandeepani Sishuvihar, and Sri Udayan as supervisor were taking care of the centre. Total 45 ladies mainly home-makers, were present from day one. The course was of 6 months duration, and free of cost. This training centre was planned for a year for the time being, with the idea of rehabilitating the ladies (housewives) who have suffered much losses due to the floods. 5 single machines, 5 double machines, 2 cover machines and one rock machine were provided in the centre for training the students.

The students were divided into 3 batches of 15 each and taught in two batches ,one in the morning from 10 am to 1.30 noon and the other from 1 pm to 3.30 pm.Every class started with prayer. Apart from learning tailoring, the students also took part in various activities of the Kendra including Samatva Yoga Sangamam.

At the end of six months a practical exam was conducted by the 2 internal teachers and Smt Prabha as an external examiner. 20 out of 30 students appeared for the exam out of which 10 came out successful.

On the 5th of June the successful students were lucky to receive the pass certificates from the hands of Ma. Bhanudasji in the concluding function kept for the students. Ma. Lakshmi Didi and Ma. Bhanudasji also presented 4 sewing machines to the most needy and deserving students from out of the 10 students.


1st May a Gita class has started for children from classes I to class X. Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi is handling the class. 15 children are regularly coming for the class. At the end of May, almost all the children can chant the entire first chapter of the Gita. Some of their parents and grandparents are also seen some days attending the class. Daily from 10am to 11am from Monday to Friday is the time kept for the class. From June onwards it will be converted to a Sunday class as all other days will be schooldays. Didi uses this class to acquaint the children with the major characters and their life stories