Showing posts with label sandeepani sisuvihar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sandeepani sisuvihar. Show all posts

sishudinam and deepawali celebration

 Early morning after Yoga Varga, Mananeeya Didi addressed the yogavarga members on the occasion od Deepawali. The significance of the day was explained by Didi. This day marked the victory of Sri Krishna over Narakasura the asura ruler of Pragjyotishpur now Assam and the second significance is that on this day
Lord Sri Rama returned to Ayodhya after his victory over Ravana the King of Lanka. In both cases it symbolises the victory of good over evil.
There was distribution of sweets  after the programme.

                                                                     At 10 a.m the teachers of Sishuvihar  had arranged a Zoom Meet for the students and parents to celebrate Children's' Day . There w
ere songs and poems, short speeches on 'Chacha Nehru' and dressed like Chacha Nehru , all the tiny tots entertained the audience through their Zoom Meet . Around 30 families watched  their performance. Their Jaya teacher patiently anchored the programme.
                                                                     At 6.30 p.m. on the same day, to celebrate Deepavali a unique online Bhajan Sandhya in Google-Meet , because only the little ones of LKG to Class VI were the singers  Little ones of VKV Kallubalu and the Ex students of Sishuvihar sang very well and sanctified the atmosphere. Mananeeya Didi and Sushree Radha Didi delivered their messages of Deepavali. To start start the bhajan , the shanti mantra and aikya mantra was chanted by Kum.Vijayalakshmi of LKG of VKV Kallubalu and to end the bhajan Sandhya the Kendra prarthana was chanted by Kum Avyaya of class V. Everyone enjoyed inspite of the the virtual world.



Dressed as Chacha Nehru was little Aradhya,in  Swami Vivekananda 's attire came little Adwaita , as Sister Nivedita was little Padma, and little Badrinath    Mananeeya Eknathji  , Tiny Abhijit as Caccha's friend and the others dressed in their sports dress, our Sandeepani Shishuvihar tiny tots arrived sharp at 10a.m.along with their mothers and grandparents, to do seva by cleaning the surrounding of their school and Kendra campus. They worked so sincerely that within an hour they had cleaned the whole campus so neatly. Even the inmates of Kendra , their teachers and their  grandparents took part in the 'Swachata programme'. What can be a better contribution on Children's' day.
After Shramasamskar, all gathered in the Dakshina Hall to listen to their short sweet speeches , songs and poems.This was followed by a grand lunch in the honour of the tiny tots!  


 Navratri started from 29th September. On the 7th day was Saptami. This day all the students place their books in front of Mother Saraswati in the evening,to receive her blessings.They are to collect the books on the 10th day or Vijaya Dashami after writing the name of Ganapati on uncooked rice placed on brass plates in front of the Devi.
Literally the small children are very happy during these 3 days since there is no one to force them to study . They are not supposed to read or write.
The children out here in and around Anandadham campus, from toddlers to teenagers , all come with their mothers and other relatives during these 3 days and sing bhajans in front of the bommakolu every evening for an hour. They leave after taking the prasad offered before Devi.This year too there was a good crowd especially on Mahanavami day.55 students had kept their books for blessings of Devi.
On 8th,Vijaya Dashami day, all the children came in the morning to take back their books .Many toddlers had their Vidyarambham from Ma.Didi's hands.Other small children including LKG and UKG tots sat on the laps of  Ma.Didi and Sri Sudhakarji to write the name of Ganapathi, on rice before taking their books back.
Everyone of them received prasadam. Around 100 people including the children and elders attended


Navaratri began from 29th September
Bommakolu.Keeping a Bommakolu(arrangement of dolls), an essence of Navarathri celebrations in the South, has its own significance too.To project the fact that the same 'Shakti' or energy flows through every object on earth, animate or inanimate. Thus kolu represents the idea or is the  personification of the Mother of the Universe. 


As a part of the concluding celebratiof Ramayana month (which was delayed because of the flood in August ), a Ramayana quiz was conducted for the samskarvarga children of Edavilangu, Karumatra, Vinayakapuram and VKVVF 's Anandadham. Only selected children from all the areas who had already appeared in their own areas for the Ramayana written test and succeeded, participated  in the Quiz competition held on 1st Septmeber.
Edavilangu group topped , Karumatra group was in the second position and Anandadham group got rthe 3rd position. Smt Rema Shali was adjudged as the best mother trainer of Ramayana for her children.All the groups were presented with tokens of appreciation by Ma.Lakshmi Didi. 50 people along with the participants attended.


The Campus of Anandadham was crowded with tiny tots of Sisuvihar and slightly bigger children, and even toddlers from around our neighbourhood.Some were dressed as radhas, some as gopikas and the rest as Sri Krishnas.The stage was full with the tablo of these children posing in different ways. Judges were there to spot the good, better and best poses and prizes were there for everyone who participated. There were Krishna bhajans by budding singers. The whole atmosphere Anandadham was filled with 'Ananda'.
51 children in all participated and parents of each of them, along with teachers inmates of Anandadham were all present to witness the grand show.


The tiny tots celebrated Raksha Bandhan on 19th August,the day their school reopened after the floods.
 Ma Didi explained to them about the significance of the celebrating Rakshabandhan. Didi explained to them that in order to understand the great concepts of our rishis eg.'Vasudhaiva kutumbakam' or the whole universe is one  family,in our Indian culture several celebrations are  are there. Raksha Bandhan is one such celebration. All the 26 children, their parents teachers and inmates of Anandadham were present. Didi and Sri Sudhakarji in turns tied rakhis round thechildren's wrists. The children were thrilled!


        23rd February was the Annual Day for the tiny tots of Sandeepani Sishuvihar. Apart from a colourful cultural programme by the tiny tots as well as their mothers who performed in the Thiruvadira group dance, there was mini convocation for the outgoing UKG students. A certificate, a lighted small brass  lamp, a shawland a book on quotations of Swami Vivekananda, were handed to each of the 7 students by the Guests who had come to attend the function and by Ma.Didi.

        Smt Rema Menon an educationist and counsellor for students was the Chief Guest. Other Guests were the ward councillors Smt Rekha Satprakash and Smt Parvathy Sukumaran were the other invited Guests.The programme 4pm and concluded at 7pm. The parents took full responsibility of the expenses of the programme.


The children and parents of Sishuvihar every year have been organizing the kutumba yogam with participation of all. This time teachers and parents tried to involve the yoga students and tailoring unit students and well-wishers to bring everyone under the umbrella of Kendra Kutumbam.
Being the 70th Republic Day, the programme started 9.30 a.m with National Flag Hoisting at Ananda Dham by Man. Lakshmi Didi with children chanted the pledge, and sang the National Anthem.
All the children and parents moved into Dakshina Hall for the yogam to start.
Didi lighted the lamp inaugurating the yogam. Kum Kokila set the tone with her devotional bhajans. Sri Joshi gave simple exercises making everybody active and on their toes. Sutapa Didi gave an action song for all to make everyone attentive and active too. It was time to honour all those who stood totally with Kendra throughout the relief activities that Kendra undertook in the recent floods. Sri Udayan, Sri Joshi and Smt Lany were honoured with a shawl. Apart from these three all those who have been participating in all Kendra Activities right from its inception shared their experiences and how associating with Kendra has helped them to change the direction of their lives.
Man. Lakshmi Didi in her Republic Day speech highlighted the effect of Tyaga in our lives, (tyage neke amrithatwa manasahu)and how Karma Yoga can help everyone to transform themselves.
There were games for parents and children.
All the participants participated actively creating a festive atmosphere with songs, games and Hindustani music and folk dance programme by our ex-Sishuvihar students who have grown up. The whole day was really a Kutumba yogam, learning,sharing and above all enjoying the bliss of togetherness.


                                         MATRU PUJA/ SCHOOL TRIP /  AND SPORTS DAY

                                        MATRU PUJA

 Every year commemorating the birth anniversary of Holy Mother Sarada  Devi’s Birthday, Sandeepani  Sishuvihar  organizes Matru puja. Not only the present students of Sandeepani Sishuvihar but also the children of Samskar Varga and children from the neighbouring houses, get an  opportunity to learn how to worship the feet of their mothers and grandmothers.

26th December morning was the Matrupuja. 25 children took part. Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi guided them.                           

                                                                  SCHOOL TRIP

January 2nd proved to be a memorable day for our Sandeepani Sishuvihar childr3en and their guardians as they were to go on an excursion to the famous Malampuzha dam.  At 6.30a.m. the Ayyappa Air Bus carried 16 kids, 7 other children and 31 parents and 2 teachers,  with plans to halt in between and visit other places of interest.  At 8.45 a.m  they reached Peechi dam site and had their eagerly awaited breakfast.  After visiting the dam and gardens they proceeded towards their destination Malampuzha by 11.45 a.m.  Fort, Hanuman temple, were visited on their way and had their lunch at Children's Park at Malampuzha.  Children were enchanted to see the vast collection of fishes and other aquatic animals in the aquarium as also the snake park.  They were thrilled to go up the dam through the ropeway.  The various rides at the Park were equally enjoyable.  The beautiful flowers, trees and well maintained lawns made them happy and joyful and like little birds and animals they jumped from place to place thoroughly enjoying the freedom (from classrooms) they waited for the evenings’ light show which was a sight for Gods.  At 7.00p.m they started back, had food on the way and got back to Kodungallur by 11.45 p.m.

                                             SPORTS DAY

16th January was sports day for UKG and LKG children. Su Bindu teacher and Salitha teacher conducted sports for the children. Many interesting games like frog jump, memorygame, eating 
game , running race, spoon race were conducted. Mothers of the tiny tots gave a helping hand.


Sishuvihar children in Amrita Vidyalayam with their escot teachers. For the firs time both LKG and UKG tots participated in an Inter school Art the end of which each received a memento and a balloon, the most precious gifts. The heavenly smile in their faces!!

Children are like precious gems. Children are adorable. They are like divine gifts that parents get from the almighty. Their eyes are full of innocence. They smile when they receive love and admiration, they cry when it is their first day at school away from their parents, they giggle when they mingle with their buddies, and they signify nothing but the pure and faithful love. They truly symbolizes god.

14th November is celebrated as children's day in all over India. Childhood memories are sweetest of all. They can be savored for a lifetime. Children's day celebration is fun for the little ones but it is important for the parents too. Every parent must understand the importance of the children's day. Parents should be well aware about the little desires of their angels.

The tiny tots of LKG and UKG of Sandeepani Sishuvihar put up a short programme with the help of their teachers on 14th November which is their 'Sisudinam'. It began with an opening prayer, lighting of the lamp by three 'Sishu' Guests Master Arav, dressed as Chacha Nehru , Master Agneya dressed as Swami Vivekananda, Kumari Anagha as Sister Nivedita. They were welcomed to the dias by offering a colourful rose flower to each by the LKG tots.Sri Sudhakarji and Mananeeya Didi too sat with them to encourage them and give their blessings. Each of the tiny tots presented either a song, rhyme or story. The tailoring students and teachers, the yogavarga members and inmates of Anandadham were all present to watch them perform!



 Kerala Piravi was celebrated by the tiny tots of Shishuvihar with the help of their teachers and the inmates of Anadadham on 1st  November. A medicinal plant Indian Rosewood or simply Sissham was planted in the park and all children took a vow to pour a mug of water on it each day'

 As a flood relief aid , Vivekananda Kendra handed over a cheque of Rs 25000/- to the S.N.V.U.P school at Elthuruth . The school suffered heavy loses, one of which was complete damage of their library books worth Rs 25000/-.At a function in their school, Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi handed over the cheque to the Headmistress Smt Shobhana, in the presence of Vidyarthidayini Sabha Chairman Professor  Ravi, Kodungallur Municipality Chairman Sri Jaitran Master, School manager Sri C.Thamarakshan and the Ward Councillors Smt Parvathy and Sri Vaiju.


Kerala Piravi was celebrated by the tiny tots of Shishuvihar with the help of their teachers and the inmates of Anadadham on 1st November. A medicinal plant Indian Rosewood or simply Sissham was planted in the park and all children took a vow to pour a mug of water on it each day.

As a flood relief aid, Vivekananda Kendra handed over a cheque of Rs 25000/- to the S.N.V.U.P school at Elthuruth. The school suffered heavy losses, one of which was complete damage of their library books worth Rs 25000/-.At a function in their school, Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi handed over the cheque to the Headmistress Smt Shobhana, in the presence of Vidyarthidayini Sabha Chairman Professor Ravi, Kodungallur Municipality Chairman Sri Jaitran Master, School manager Sri C.Thamarakshan and the Ward Councillors Smt Parvathy and Sri Vaiju.


On the 19th October,toddlers of Sishuvihar and the neighbourhood were seen arriving one by one holding hands of their parents,for Vidyarambham ceremony. Sitting on the lap of Their Didiammuma
( Ma.Lakshmi Didi) holding their hands, they are made to write 'Hari Sree Ganapataye Namaha' on a plate containing rice grains. The older children then wrote on rice grains by themselves before they could take the books which they had kept at the feet of Goddess Saraswati for her blessings.

After Dashami programme at about 10.30 a.m. all the children were led to the newly created park named as 'Sishuvihar Vrindavanam' .Smt Vijayalakshmi teacher -retired principal of Govt.Higher .Secondary school,Kodungallur,who was the sponsorer of the Merry-go round, one of the play items in the park,  was invited for the occasion . Inauguration was done by the children . From that  day onwards the park was opened by Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi  for  the Sishuvihar students as well as other children  .


26TH January is the day fixed for Kutumba sammelan, at Anandadham every year. On this day, all the parents of Sishuvihar students and ex-students, well-wishers, yoga satra and Varga, Samskarvarga members, close well-wishers all come together along with their family members to spend the day as one family. Games for all ages, talks and lastly eating together.This year too, there was a gathering of a mixed group. Members of Samskara Varga of Edavilangu too joined this time. A total of 130 members were present.

After the flag hoisting by Mananeeya Lakshmi Didishe give a short talk. Su.Bindu, Anitha teacher, and Samskarvarga leaders conducted games for the different age groups. Having lunch together gave that feeling of ‘samgacchachdhwam, samvadadhwam’.


On the occasion of Sri Sarada Jayanthi, the birth anniversary of Sri Sarada Devi the Holy consort of Sri Ramakrishna, every year here in Anandadham Matrupooja is conducted for the mothers of the tiny tots of  Sandeepani Sishuvihar and the neighbourhood children.

This year too, the tradition was followed. Twenty five children and their mothers and grandmothers took part in the pooja.The programme started with deepa prajwalan by the Chief Guest Smt Jayashree, a senior teacher of Amrita Vidyalayam, Kodungallur.This was followed by pushparchana and arati at the feet of Sri Sarada Ma.

The tiny tots, their siblings sat at the feet of their mothers. The youngest of them was Master Abhijit who is two years old. Mananeeya Lakshmi meticulously guided the children in performing the pada-pooja of their mothers. With tiny fingers they washedthe feet of their mothers, applied  sandal paste and kumkumam, offered flowers and deepa aradhana and lastly fed their mother with ladoo and got a share of the offered laddoo sitting on the lap of their mothers! It was indeed an emotional moment for both the mothers and their children.  From this tender age, this samskara of worshipping their mother is being inculcated into these children so that this attitude of reverence remains till they are matured.

While talking to the mothers, Smt Jayashree, narrated about her own life and how she was chosen as a teacher of Amma's school. Good samskaras always help individuals to take up the right path. Mananeeya Didi in her speech asked the mothers to meditate on their motherhood and expand themselves so that they could understand their children better. The programme ended with prasad vitaranam. 


Navratri started on 21st September.Navratri, the nine-night festival, honours Goddess Durga, Goddess Lakshmi, and Goddess Saraswathi in the South. It is known as Bomma Koluvu in Andhra Pradesh and Navarathri in Tamil Nadu and Kerala.  Navratri is observed as Dusshera in Karnataka, where it is observed for ten days. The main event during Navrathri is the display of dolls and idols – Kolu and the placing of Kalash, which represents Goddess.
At Anandadham too there was a beautiful decoration of the stage with bommas of different types, including the dashavatars.Daily chanting of the Devi Mahatmyam and puja and offerings to the Devi during all the nine days was observed by the inmates.
On Maha Asthami day a bhajan session was arranged for all the students who had come in the evening to offer their books for Mother Saraswathi's blessings.
On the Maha Navami day, Deepa pooja with pushpaarchana was performed by all the students and their mothers who had come the previous day.
 On Vijaya Dashami day, Vidyarambham (Ezhuthiniruthu) is performed in many temples of Kerala. It is believed that it is the most precious day to write the first letter by a child. Parents brings the small children of two to three years to temples to perform Vidyarambham (Ezhuthiniruthu). It is a grand festival in Panachikkada Saraswathi temple in Kottayam, Thiruvullakkavu in Thrissur and Mookambika Temple of Vadakkan Paravur. Vidyarambham is also performed in Guruvayur temple and many other temples of Kerala. In general older children have  to write the alphabets on rice or sand and according to custom only after this ceremony child becomes entitled to take the books offered at the feet of Mother Saraswathi and write or read. The tiny tots children sit on the lap of the guru and the guru writes ‘Hari Shree Ganapataye ’ on the child’s tongue with a golden ring. Then, the child writes ‘Hari Shree Ganapathye Namaha’ in Malayalam with the right index finger, with the help of the Guru, on a bed of raw rice. 
At Anandadham too, it was a sight to watch all the tiny tots of Sishuvihar come and all the other children from the neighbourhood come and write on rice and take their books which they had offered for puja.About 50 children and their parents had come altogether out of which 30 of them were the tiny tots of Sishuvihar and the neighborhood. Ma. Didi and Sri Sudhakarji wrote on their tongue and made them write on rice. After this, all received payasam prasadam. 


Sri Ramakrishna Jayanthi is usually celebrated as Annual Day by Sandeepani Sishuvihar every year. This year was special because it was the fifteenth year of Sishuvihar. 25th February was fixed as the Annual Day. The programme started at 3.30 p.m. and concluded with Shanti mantra at 7 p.m.
On this day every year, there is a mini-convocation for the outgoing UKG students of Sishuvihar. A shawl, lighted lamp, a certificate and a book on Swamiji's messages are awarded to each student by the Chief Guest and Mananeeya Didi. This year too we had the same. The Chief Guest was Smt Madhumati, retired DPI of Thrissur district.

Apart from this, a short but beautiful cultural programme was also organized. The participants included not only the present LKG and UKG students of Sishuvihar but also the ex-students, Samskar Varga children, mothers of the present students and this time even the Yoga Varga lady students presented a musical yoga asana demonstration programme.

The Sishuvihar children performed various items like Thiruvadira dance, short skits, dances on Murugan and dance drama on Rama, Sita, Lakshmana and Veer Hanuman. Mothers presented a Thiruvadira dance and cream of the crop was the yoga demonstration by the yoga Varga ladies group. A beautiful synchronization of asanas with music,  with contrast group of the youngest member in her twenties and the oldest member in her seventies.

After the cultural programme there was prize distribution for the children, their parents and Samskar Varga children who took part in various competitions during the Kutumba Sangamam on 26th January.