A fortnight session(3rd October to 18th October 2020) from 5.30am to 6am at Anandadham ,on Pranayama and Omkar dhyana conducted by Sri Sudhakarji .Total attendance 20
Bring light to the ignorant and more light to the educated for the vanities of the education of our time are tremendous.
Showing posts with label shibir. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shibir. Show all posts

The classes were conducted in Malayalam. Swamiji in his unique style of teaching in a gurukula style made the participants glued to the classes with rapt attention. Ma. Lakshmi didi took couple of sessions on Indian culture and Dr. Natesan M. from Kalady Sri Sankara University conducted classes on the fist two padas of yoga darshana. In all thirty participants took the benefit of the retreat. During the one-hour question- answer session during evening hours, Swamiji tried to satisfy all by answering all the questions that came to the participants mind by giving practical and in-depth explanations based on his experience. All participants left the campus with a vow to meet again in the next year along with their friends.
Three days Samskavarga Prashikshan workshop daily from morning 9.30 am to 12.3o noon ,was conducted from 13th September to 15th September, for the children of Valsalayam, Methala and Sringapuram. 12 children and elders attended.Sushree BinduSamskarvarga pramukh along with varga shikshaks Kum Sreelakshmi ,kum Anushree and Akshay, conducted the workshop. Yoga,games,storytelling, lectures ,chanting and songs, agnyas were introduced to the children.

Samskarvarga prashikshan Shibir was organised at Anandadham, Kodungallur, from 22nd May to 26th May.

Daily routine started with prayer session taught by Kum.Sreelakshmi, followed by patriotic songs in Hindi, Sanskrit and Malayalam by Su. Kalyani Didi, Su.Sutapa Didi, Kum. Sreelakshmi and Smt Padmaja. Games and Agnyas were taught by Su. Bhuvaneswari Didi, Kum. Sreelakshmi, Kum Unnimaya and Kum. Anushree. The Art of Storytelling Classes were conducted by Sri Ashokanji, Ma. Lakshmi Didi, Sri Sudhakarji and Su. Radha Didi. Overall guidance was given by Su. Radha Didi.
The camp concluded on 26th in which Ma. Lakshmi Didi advised the children to equip themselves and then guide the youngsters who would draw inspiration from their Varga shikshaks. All the children took the sankalpa of starting Samskarvarga in their localities as early as possible. In all 54 children and 5 parents participated all the 5 days
From 17th May, to 21 St May , 2019
Sthanik KPS was organised from 17th to 21st at Kodungallur. Along with local Karyakartas, welwishers, Yoga varga and and Sanskar Varga students attended the shibir. During the games session Sishuvihar children too participated.The daily routine started with prayers followed by Bhagavad Gita chanting. There were two lecture sessions in a day. Daily Swadhyaya Varga and bhajan session were also part of the schedule.
The camp witnessed the active participation of 30
Karyakartas of in and around Kodungallur who were motivated and committed.There were overall 5 members in the organising team. The five day shibir was inaugurated by Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi. In her adresse, she highlighted the unique features of
Indian Culture and how one should make it part of their lives. She appraised all about the need of spreading
the message of Bharat in a big way and appreciated the participants for their
willingness to come and attend the shibir.
Adaraneeya Radha Didi, Dakshin Prant Sanghatak, briefed the
objectives of the camp followed by the singing of Shibir Geet by Adaraneeya
Kalyani Didi from V.K. Thiruvananthapuram branch. The first day made the participants to ponder over the
qualities of a true worker of Kendra and the discussion among them drove home
the work of Karyakartha is the journey from unreal to real and death to
The Kendra Varga sessions specially planned by Kumari Bhuvaneswari Didi from VK Nagercoil branch, on all the days provided an exposure to
all about the objectives of the Kendra varga and the methodology of conduction as it is one of the main karyapadhati of Kendra.
The remaining days Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi spoke in detail
about the Holy Trio throwing light upon the significance of studying their
lives by a Karyakarta. since their life and message are based on the realisation
of the highest truth. She requested every Karyakartha to imbibe the spirit and ideals for which they stood for and work for the Nation.

On the concluding day, the report of the shibir was presented and Man. Lakshmi Didi gave her blessings. The Shibir concluded with Kendra Prayer.
Know India , know your culture
As many as 70 participants were present for the workshop on 'Know India, know your culture',on 11th April ( Thursday).Almost all the parents, either mother or father of the children were present.
Programme started at 9.45 am after prayer session, Prof Aravindakshan, the resource person for first day's topic- ' Indian culture'.
He spoke about the importance of prayer which can be sitting while at home,standing while in a temple or lying down before sleeping.Our culture is highly scientific.The Yama and Niyama of ones dinacharya was also discussed. There was a question session after his talk.The programme concluded at 12.15 noon with chanting of Shanti mantra.
On 12th February, the topic of discussion was Ramayana. Prof.Shanthakumari from Sanskrit University Puranattukara,Thrissur was invited as Guest speaker. 87 people attended. How the swadhyaya on Ramayana can purify one, one's family atmosphere and the atmosphere of the surroundings where one lives, was logically explained in details by the Professor.
On the third day , the topic of lecture was Mahabharata. Acharya Sri Vinod sharmaji of Malappuram was the resource person.92 people attended. Nicknamed as 'Gnyana Hamsa' by Srimad Swami Chidananda Puri of Kozhikode, Sri Sharma elaborately explained about the text in his flawless speech. All the participants were extremely benefited by the valuable class taken by the Acharya.
During all the three days in the three hours workshop, participants got the opportunity to interact with the invited Guests and clear their doubts and queries a the end of each session.

Programme started at 9.45 am after prayer session, Prof Aravindakshan, the resource person for first day's topic- ' Indian culture'.
He spoke about the importance of prayer which can be sitting while at home,standing while in a temple or lying down before sleeping.Our culture is highly scientific.The Yama and Niyama of ones dinacharya was also discussed. There was a question session after his talk.The programme concluded at 12.15 noon with chanting of Shanti mantra.
On 12th February, the topic of discussion was Ramayana. Prof.Shanthakumari from Sanskrit University Puranattukara,Thrissur was invited as Guest speaker. 87 people attended. How the swadhyaya on Ramayana can purify one, one's family atmosphere and the atmosphere of the surroundings where one lives, was logically explained in details by the Professor.
On the third day , the topic of lecture was Mahabharata. Acharya Sri Vinod sharmaji of Malappuram was the resource person.92 people attended. Nicknamed as 'Gnyana Hamsa' by Srimad Swami Chidananda Puri of Kozhikode, Sri Sharma elaborately explained about the text in his flawless speech. All the participants were extremely benefited by the valuable class taken by the Acharya.
During all the three days in the three hours workshop, participants got the opportunity to interact with the invited Guests and clear their doubts and queries a the end of each session.
17th December to 21st December,
the people of Kodungallur were blessed by the Holy presence of Srimad Swami
Haribrahmendranandaji, who was to be the chief resource person for the
Spiritual retreat at Anandadham.
On 17th December in the evening at 8 p.m.Sreemad
Swami Haribrahmendrananda Tirtha from
Somashram, Uttarkashi, arrived at Anandadham. He was received with Purna
Kumbha.He got introduced to the students and devotees who were eagerly waiting
to have a glance of him.
Classes started from 18th, after the formal
inauguration, at 6.15 a.m. Usual Kendra routine was followed, with pratahsmaran
followed by yogabhyas, before the classes started everyday at 6.30 a.m. First
session in the morning was taken by Swamiji on Patanjali Yoga sutras.This was
followed by second session on Karma Yoga according to Swami Vivekananda
conducted by Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi.Third session was again by Swamiji followed
by Cyclic Meditation conducted by Sri Sudhakarji.
After lunch there was Veda chanting session conducted
by Sushree Gayathri Didi from Bangalore. She taught the Purushukta to the
Shibirarthis.After tea was another session by Swamiji upto 6 p.m
After this bhajanSandhya and supper followed.
44 participants were blessed with the experience of
this Satsang.
day workshop for Nivedita tailoring unit. The workshop was inaugurated by
Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi as the participants we're chanting the pranava mantra.
Didi in her inaugural address laid emphasis on self-transformation and become a
role model for others and requested all the mothers to make use of the
opportunity of learning to stand on their own feet.
Smt Prabha teacher who is versatile in number of art forms like
fabric painting and embroidery introduced the students to the basics of the above arts. All we're engrossed in that till
lunch time.
In the post lunch session it was family counseling. Smt Divya
from Tejus, Irinjalakuda conducted the lively interactive session with ease
with the help of couple of students. In the end all the participants expressed
their opinion. Kendra honoured both the teachers of the tailoring unit The
program concluded with Shanti mantra.
A two days workshop on leadership skills was conducted at Anandadham for the students of classes X, XI and XII. 15 students ( 6 from Edavilangu, 5 from Aripalam-Vellangallur and the rest from Kodungallur) attended the camp.The workshop was inaugurated by Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi.The sessions were from 9.30 am to 4 pm.
On the first day,Sri Sudhakarji conducted the sessions.Several groupwise activities were given to the students so that they themselves could recognise and be aware of their own skills they possessed and those they were lacking.while performing the activities.The basic qualities required to become a leader were also discussed. A few video clippings based on excellence through everyday practice, perseverance an essential quality of a leader and having a vision of the goal set by each of them helps in achieving success.
On the second day, Sri Ramesh master an NSS trainer conducted the morning session. He made the students realize, through various games and activities, how a short term goal and along with it, a long term goal is a must, to be a leader. In the concluding session, students expressed their gratitude for having given the opportunity to be a part of the camp.
On the first day,Sri Sudhakarji conducted the sessions.Several groupwise activities were given to the students so that they themselves could recognise and be aware of their own skills they possessed and those they were lacking.while performing the activities.The basic qualities required to become a leader were also discussed. A few video clippings based on excellence through everyday practice, perseverance an essential quality of a leader and having a vision of the goal set by each of them helps in achieving success.
On the second day, Sri Ramesh master an NSS trainer conducted the morning session. He made the students realize, through various games and activities, how a short term goal and along with it, a long term goal is a must, to be a leader. In the concluding session, students expressed their gratitude for having given the opportunity to be a part of the camp.

Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi inaugurated the Shibir.

Sessions on creativity were conducted by the group leaders, Sri Amal and Kum Lakshmi. They taught the children how to create best from waste eg Candle -stands with pistachio shells, vases, caterpillars, dolls, table mats and 3D houses from newspapers and clay models from
' shilpakar'. Games and Suryanamaskar were taken by group leaders-Kum. Sreelakshmi and Kum. Anushree.
Classes on storytelling were conducted by Sri Sudhakarji and Sri Vasu Master, a dramatist from Perinjanam. On the fifth day, there was an interactive session on health and proper diet, by Dr. Arun, a neurologist by profession.
On the sixth day, a concluding programme was put up by the children. They had invited their parents for the concluding programme. A display of their creativity was arranged for their parents and the Chief Guest to see. The Chief Guest was Smt Saraswathi teacher, Principal of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Vidya Mandir, Kodungallur.The programme started at 12 noon and ended by 1 pm. The parents and the Chief Guest were thoroughly impressed by the short but sweet programme.
Atma Vikas Shibir ( Narendra) - Concluding Day
The concluding day of every camp is a sea of emotions, amongst the hectic schedule of the day. May 1st 2018 was the concluding for this year's first Atma Vikas Shibir for children of class 7 to 9. After the morning Prarthana and Chantings, children got together into their respective groups to practice their drama. Some of the children were asked to express their anubhavam of the Shibir. One of the group leaders got into building the Shibir report. Apart from the respective drama's children also practiced patriotic songs(Hindi and Malayalam), and a small group practiced Yoga Asanas. Children also arranged their individual craft models. The concluding program was scheduled for 3:00 pm. After a sumptuous lunch it was time for the final rehearsals.
The master of ceremony was Kum. Athulyaputri. Ma. Lakshmi Didi welcomed the chief guest and parents to the event. She touched upon the impact of the camp on the overall development and thinking of each of the participants. She emphasized that if a participant consecutively attends the camp every year for couple of years it would develop in the individual a keen sense of deeper understanding of the self and their surroundings, thus nurturing an ideal family built on the foundation of our traditions and samskaras, consequently building a strong society and the world at large.
Deepa Prajwalan was done by Ma. Lakshmi Didi and Maj. Gen. Vivekanandan. The Maj. General in his address empha
sized upon important areas for the over all development of an individual. Be
ing a good listener is of primary importance, coupled with discipline. A self disciplined life that is not a result of fear but of love and respect. Man is a social being, hence it is vital to be able to work in teams and be a team player. Always give your 100% in anything and everything you do, said the Maj. General . Our text talk of Vasudeva Kutumbakam, the world is one large family and comprises of every living and non-living things, hence let us not forget it. It is important to conserve our natural resources and prevent ,misuse and pollution. The sharing mentality needs to be inculcated in every individual. Sharing is far greater and purer than donation! And all these means each of us have to be in the best of health. After all Health is Wealth. All these are the foundations of being a good citizen and wonderful Human Being.
Welcome speech was by Kum. Devapriya. This was followed by the reading of the Shibir report by Kum. Sreelakshmi. Kum. Averin, Nandana , Swathy, & Master Athmaj, Abhinav and Srihari shared their anubhavam of the weeklong Shibir.

There were four short plays performed by the children who had been divided in groups earlier. Swami Vivekanananda group showcased "The Fish Brother" a story focusing on forgiveness and love. The group Sri Ramakrishna enacted a play titled "Wounded Bird" which focused on living in harmony with nature and our surroundings. Ma. Sharada Devi group showcased a play "The Bear who helped the Farmer", again a wonderful theme focusing on the need to have harmony amongst all living beings and also touched upon upholding the "Value" system. Group "Sister Nivedita's" play titled "Accident" focused on the increasing "Digital Distractions" which is a rising concern amongst everyone. In between the plays there was rendering of Patriotic songs in Hindi and Malayalam. A wonderful and breathtaking display of Yoga Asana's was put forth by the children. Then it was time for the prize distribution followed by the vote of thanks by Kum. Vasudha.
The craft items prepared by the children during the Shibir was also displayed.

The program started with arrival of the chief guest Maj. Gen. (Dr.) P Vivekanandan (Retd.).
The master of ceremony was Kum. Athulyaputri. Ma. Lakshmi Didi welcomed the chief guest and parents to the event. She touched upon the impact of the camp on the overall development and thinking of each of the participants. She emphasized that if a participant consecutively attends the camp every year for couple of years it would develop in the individual a keen sense of deeper understanding of the self and their surroundings, thus nurturing an ideal family built on the foundation of our traditions and samskaras, consequently building a strong society and the world at large.
Welcome speech was by Kum. Devapriya. This was followed by the reading of the Shibir report by Kum. Sreelakshmi. Kum. Averin, Nandana , Swathy, & Master Athmaj, Abhinav and Srihari shared their anubhavam of the weeklong Shibir.
There were four short plays performed by the children who had been divided in groups earlier. Swami Vivekanananda group showcased "The Fish Brother" a story focusing on forgiveness and love. The group Sri Ramakrishna enacted a play titled "Wounded Bird" which focused on living in harmony with nature and our surroundings. Ma. Sharada Devi group showcased a play "The Bear who helped the Farmer", again a wonderful theme focusing on the need to have harmony amongst all living beings and also touched upon upholding the "Value" system. Group "Sister Nivedita's" play titled "Accident" focused on the increasing "Digital Distractions" which is a rising concern amongst everyone. In between the plays there was rendering of Patriotic songs in Hindi and Malayalam. A wonderful and breathtaking display of Yoga Asana's was put forth by the children. Then it was time for the prize distribution followed by the vote of thanks by Kum. Vasudha.
The craft items prepared by the children during the Shibir was also displayed.
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