Satyam Vada and Dharmam Chara

1. Preservation of Vedas and Vedic traditions through study and practice

2. Study of Sanskrit to help understand the scriptures like Upanishads, Gita, Puranas, etc.

a. Educational programmes to implant the value of Truth in young minds

b. Sandeepani Sishuvihar, where little children receive doses of satya, Dharma and Yajna through the all powerful medium of love, care and triaining.

c. Sandeepani gurukulam where discipline. study and positive interactions transform the ideals into life principles.

Satyameva Jayate (Truth In Action)

Vedic Vision can be resolved into Satya, Dharma and Yajna and all activities are geared to enshrine these ideals in human life.

To Uphold The Value of Yajna – Sacrifice

The cosmic implications of yajna in real life are totally lost among people and there is great need to restore it for glorifying our lives.. Satya and dharma get integrated into karma or action through Yajna so that all karma’s bondages are removed. This elevates karma to the level of knowledge and Self realisation. Yajna opens up human minds to the immense blessings inherent in the simple acts of renunciation and service.

Yajna has three windows through which humans can tune up to Truth in daily life.

Deva Puja : Regular observance of Panchmaha yajnas, temple worship, variety of other individual and community rituals like homas, pujas, matrupooja etc when carried out with the awareness of the Truth both within and without.

Sangateekarana : The unity and integrity of an organization or home can be maintained by cultivating uniform ideals and thoughts through harmonious words and deeds as emphasized by the vedic injunctions (sangachadwam, samvadadwam, etc). For this daily chantings of Vedic mantras, Sahasranamas, sandhya pujas, reading of Puranas etc., for individual and group enlightenment are carried out.

Children’s camps for various age groups leading to personality development of children through a variety of programs

The multitude of celebrations like Sri Krishna Jayanthi, Guru Poornima, Ramayana Day, National festivals, Universal Brotherhood day Navaratri Festival, Children’s day, Vivekananda Jayanthi, Sadhana Divas, Annual day of Sandeepani Sishuvihar are all occasions for enrichment of values in the minds of participants creating all round understanding of Oneness and create all round benefits.

Dana is a magnificent all comprehensive Vedic vision in which every individual learns to look at his or her life as an act of oblation to the Almighty. This is in tune with the vedic injunctions Idam Na mama. Swami Vivekananda’s two great ideals Serve man serve God and atmano mokshartham jagadhitaya ca provide wonderful guidelines to actualize this great vision where individual development and social upliftment go hand in hand. Dana is encouraged in the form of money, respect, knowledge, service, etc with emphasis on nishkama karma bhava. People are encouraged to donate for specific causes like education, medical care, distribution of food, and through in many other big and small sponsorships.

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

Family welfare is the foundation of individual and social well being through natural expansion of human mind and intellect which in turn helps to conceive of the whole universe as one family – vasudhaiva kutumbakam – to bring harmony and peace in the society.

  • · Satsanghs, propagation of the ideals through talks and appropriate religious literature
  • · Sharing with the community the joy of festivals through distributing food and other necessary materials
  • · Providing educational support for the poor and the needy.
  • · Free Ayurvedic consultation, counseling and treatment

Reinforcement Of The Awareness Of Truth In Human Life

Thousands of years ago, the super scientists of India, the Rishis, were engaged in the difficult task of uncovering the Ultimate Reality, Satya, beyond the ever changing phenomena experienced through our senses. Negating the world of impermanent plurality they delved into the core of their inner being and realised the Ultimate Truth as the Self within. There also dawned the realisation that Truth is One, in which everything in the universe remains interconnected, interrelated and interdependent. This is the greatest discovery ever made by man. This Truth of Self-realisation and its Oneness is the best of blessings that the rishis have bestowed on humanity. For us in India, this discovery ushered in the dawn of enlightenment and introduced us to the immaculate concept of Life Eternal. Since then this Ganga of adwaitic vision has been cascading over our country without a break enriching every field of human activity creating a rich, multifaceted, unique and spiritually oriented civilization and culture.

Actualization of Truth as concrete practical life sustaining ideas and ideals enlightening humans and goading them on the path of evolution forms the crux of Vedic Vision. Transformation of a unifying principle into the multitude of thoughts, words and actions, to make each and every one of them shine with the lustre of Truth of Oneness is indeed a most difficult task. Achieving this awareness of Oneness through self effort is the challenge and goal before every human being. Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, life experiments of great seers and avatars are all illustrations of their great efforts and their attainment. Among these Swami Vivekananda towers high as the link between the old and the new. To preserve this great immaculate heritage and transmit this knowledge and awareness to as many humans as possible form the most important aim and activity of the Foundation. Without comprehending the significance of Truth, no vision or study or work can stand the test of time.