Reinforcement Of The Awareness Of Truth In Human Life

Thousands of years ago, the super scientists of India, the Rishis, were engaged in the difficult task of uncovering the Ultimate Reality, Satya, beyond the ever changing phenomena experienced through our senses. Negating the world of impermanent plurality they delved into the core of their inner being and realised the Ultimate Truth as the Self within. There also dawned the realisation that Truth is One, in which everything in the universe remains interconnected, interrelated and interdependent. This is the greatest discovery ever made by man. This Truth of Self-realisation and its Oneness is the best of blessings that the rishis have bestowed on humanity. For us in India, this discovery ushered in the dawn of enlightenment and introduced us to the immaculate concept of Life Eternal. Since then this Ganga of adwaitic vision has been cascading over our country without a break enriching every field of human activity creating a rich, multifaceted, unique and spiritually oriented civilization and culture.

Actualization of Truth as concrete practical life sustaining ideas and ideals enlightening humans and goading them on the path of evolution forms the crux of Vedic Vision. Transformation of a unifying principle into the multitude of thoughts, words and actions, to make each and every one of them shine with the lustre of Truth of Oneness is indeed a most difficult task. Achieving this awareness of Oneness through self effort is the challenge and goal before every human being. Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, life experiments of great seers and avatars are all illustrations of their great efforts and their attainment. Among these Swami Vivekananda towers high as the link between the old and the new. To preserve this great immaculate heritage and transmit this knowledge and awareness to as many humans as possible form the most important aim and activity of the Foundation. Without comprehending the significance of Truth, no vision or study or work can stand the test of time.

Yoga – Ascent to Fullness

Ascent to fullness through yoga,a perfect scientific system for unfolding the divine potentialities inherent in human life is the best gift that man can offer to himself. Activities include

  1. Regular yoga class for men and women
  2. Training yoga teachers
  3. Mass Surya Namaskar programmes for school children – Surya Kiran to create yoga awareness in the society


Family welfare is the foundation of individual and social well being through natural expansion of human mind and intellect which in turnhelps to conceive of the whole universe as one family – vasudhaiva kutumbakam – to bring harmony and peace in the society.

  • Satsanghs, propagation of the ideals through talks and appropriate religious literature
  • Sharing with the community the joy of festivals through distributing food and other necessary materials
  • Providing educationalsupport for the poor and the needy.
  • Free Ayurvedic consultation, counseling and treatment

Seminars and Retreats

Following programmes help to catch the imagination of individuals and groups and acquaint them with the supremely relevant spiritual heritage of our Motherland, to in still in them a sense of national pride, patriotism and spirit of enquiry and to inspire them to direct their efforts to remould this ancient nation into a vibrant mechanism to deliver the message of Sanatana Dharma.

  • Seminars and Satsanghs, competitions

  • Spiritual retreats & Workshops led by eminent teachers

  • Traditional Cultural shows which glorify our ancient heritage such as kathakali, kudiyattam etc. These help to enhance harmony and understanding in the society.

Potential Divinity

To uphold the adwaitic ideal of Swami Vivekananda “Each soul is potentially divine. The goal in life is to manifest the divinity by controlling nature, internal and external” and make it practical and poetic in human life, following activities are formulated

  • Study classes based on Swami Vivekananda’s literature,
  • Celebrations to propagate Swami Vivekananda’s ideals
  • Competitions for School children based on Swamiji’s life and message.