On the auspicious day of Sri Krishna Jayanthi, Anandadham was converted into Gokula. Tiny tots of Sandeepani Sishuvihar and the other children from Samskarvarga, crowded here by 9 am in the morning, to take part in the Krishna Jayanthi celebration. Mothers, fathers, grandparents and siblings of the children were busy decorating their tiny tots into Krishnas. Each Krishna was dressed in yellow coloured veshthi and red or green coloured uttariya, crown on the head and a small flute in the hand, tilakam on the forehead and kundalam hanging from the ears! It was a beautiful sight. There were 20 such Krishnas and three Unni Krishnas. There were Gopikas too around 10 of them. All the little Krishnas were made to sit on stage with the Gopikas behind them. Other children and some elders sang bhajans on Sri Krishna. Smt Mathy Pavitran and Susri Sutapa Das were the judges to select the best child of the lot. All the participating children given token of appreciation for their participation. 

The programme started at 10.30 a.m with a prayer by the Sandeepani Sishuvihar children followed by Deepa prajwalanam by Smt Amani Amma, a well-wisher of Vivekananda Kendra.

After the show the children went to the park to do pradakshina of Sri Krishna's idol at Vrindavan Park of the campus. 'Uriadi ' or breaking of the pot with a stick was the last item of the celebration. All the children enjoyed this thoroughly. There was distribution of prasada after the programme. Programme concluded by noon.

Ramayana Month programmes

The Karkatakam or Ramayana  month Samapanam programme was held at Anandadham on 6th August.

Ramayana Masam is an important observance in the state of Kerala. It is observed in the month of ‘Karkidakam’ of the Malayalam calendar while in the Gregorian calendar it corresponds to the months of July to August. This festival is also popularly known as ‘Karkadaka Masam’. During this time, there is a ritual to read ‘Ramayana’ on all the days of the month in almost all Hindu households. Ramayana was translated in the Malayalam language by Thunchath Ezhuthachan and is known as ‘Adhyatma Ramayana Kilippattu’. It is this Malayalam version that is read during the Ramayana Masam. 

As in previous years Kum Bindu with her companion Smt. Baby visited a good number of houses in the neighborhood and did Ramayana pranayama and puja. Where there were no  Ramayana books Kendra presented them with copies of Ramayana.

From 4pm to 5 p.m Ramayana quiz was conducted in three categories. One was for the tiny tots of Sandeepani Sishuvihar, the other was for the Samskarvarga children and the third was for the mothers among the audience.

This year Sri. S Ramesan Nair who has made lifelong contributions to Indian culture through his poems, plays, lyrics, translations and commentaries was the speaker of the occasion. The subject of the talk was Rama as a Maryada Purushotama and the benefits of parayanam of Adhyatma Ramayanam. Sri S.Rameshan Nair is also the author of Chilapadikaram and Kamba Ramayanam in Malayalam.  He left the audience speelbound with his speech.

"An ideal son to the parents. 
An ideal husband to His wife. 
A Good brother to his young brothers. 
A Good and Ideal king to the people of His kingdom. 
A good and ideal protector of Dharma. 
A Good and Ideal ruler. 
A good and ideal friend to vanaras. 
An Ideal son in obeying the parents. 
An example for morality. 
So, Shri Rama is called Maryada purushottam Ram."


Gurupoornima day was celebrated by the yoga students, and Sandeepani Sishuvihar children on 19th.  Lakshmi Didi addressed the morning batch yoga students in the morning. She highlighted the significance of Guru in ones own growth and the need for paying their reverence to all those teachers who contributed to becoming what they are today.

Sandeepani Sishuvihar children did pada puja to Lakshmi Didi and sought her blessings. She blessed them and addressed the noon batch yoga students. In her address, she requested all the mothers to  play the vital role in the growth of children befitting to the dictum of Matrudevo Bhava. 


              As Guru Purnima fell on 19th July, a working day, it was celebrated at Anandadham on 17th Sunday, with a unique programme of honouring a large number of elderly retired teachers in and around Kodungallur.

           The programme started at 10 a.m. with the chanting of Gurupaduka strotra by Susri Sutapa . Sri Gopalan Kutty Menon, a very senior respected retired teacher and a poet, presided. He and Lakshmi Didi together lit the lamp. SKIE students led the Guru strotra chanting.

Man. Lakshmi Didi, in her welcome address described the event as a unique one stressing that all those teachers who have laid 
the foundation of the present generation at Kodungallur have come together for the first time and are being honoured. Forty-one retired Primary and High school teachers were present. Each of them was honoured with a memento and two of our publications. Eight selected teachers shared their experiences.    Side by side, the children of Samskarvarga and Sandeepani Sishuvihar performed pada-pooja of their parents who were also invited for programme, marking that education starts at home from the parents. 

Srimad Swami Tejaswaroopananda Saraswati, Vivekananda Seva Kendra, Thrissur who was the Chief Guest explained in his speech the importance of inculcating the values in the minds of children and he used the eternal example of Sri Hanuman of Ramayana. This also was a reminder to the audience that Ramayana, which is religiously read during the karkataka month (Ramayana Month) is not just a purana story to be taken lightly, but to be used as a manual  of values for character building and Nation building to be inculcated in the growing children.

Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi's book "Bhavayami Ekanatham' (a short biography of Ma. Eknathji) was also released by Sri Gopalan Kutty Menon and the first copy was received by Smt Jyothi Unniraman, our close well-wisher. Programme concluded with Shanti Mantra and a grand lunch