A three days non residential Atma-Vikas Shibir was conducted by V.K.Vedic Vision Foundation for the Samskarvarga children of  Shrutam village of  Edavilangu.  65 children attended. 30-36 children were from classes III to VI, 10 from class VII and 20  from VIII th to Degree level. The Shibir was conducted in the Srutam Grama Seva Samiti Hall. Sri Sudhakarji delivered the inaugural address.
Apart from chants, songs, lectures, storytelling.agnya, and games, maximum time was kept for making science and maths models from trash articles. A total of 27 working Science and Maths models were made by children according to their capacities. There were 10 karyakartas from Kendra, assisted by 15 mothers belonging to the Seva Samiti, who guided the children in making of science and Maths working models.Children were divided into 3 groups after the names of great Indian scientists viz  CV Raman- for the youngest group( classes III to VI), JC Bose- for the children of classes VII  and Ramanujam- for children of class VIII to Degree level.The maximum experimental science models were done by the third group. Overall guidance was from Sushree Lalitha Didi, in charge of  Thiruvananthapuram Vivekananda Kendra branch center.

On the third day, a display of all the models was arranged for the parents to see. Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi and a popular retired teacher were the Chief Guests for the concluding function. All the karyakartas were felicitated by the members of Srutam Samiti.

Parachute successfully landing

Concluding day


A non-residential, three days Karyakarta Prashikshan Shibir was conducted from  11th April to 13th April.23 Karyakartas were present out of whom 11 of them were from Yoga Varga group, 7 from Samskarvarga, 4 were well-wishers -  from Kodungallur, and 1 from Thiruvananthapuram V.K. branch centre.

From 11th evening to 13th afternoon, participants were exposed to various facets of Vivekananda Kendra's Karya Padhati to spread Swamiji's message to the nook and corners of India and world.Lectures, group discussion, yogabhyas, games, and songs formed part of the Shibir.Organizing team was of six Karyakartas.



Vivekananda Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation conducts non-residential Summer Camps- Atma-Vikas Shibir for children of all ages during the month of April and May. 
The first camp from 1st April to 7th April, was for the children from classes VII to X. 42 children were enrolled.Children were divided into five groups viz Akash, Vayu, Agni, Jal and Prithvi, the pancha mahabhuta. 

Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi was present for the formal inauguration of the camp.Apart from the daily routine of Vedic chants, patriotic songs and a lecture on values or lives of great personalities and yoga in the morning hours and creativity, games and group discussion in the afternoon sessions, this time we had 'Maths is fun' also, for example, each child had to create his or her own figure out of the 7 geometrical shapes of the tangrams.After this, each group had to compose a story using the figures.Each group came out  beautiful stories! There was a written test for the participants based on the lectures they heard. Master Gokul Krishna of Class VIII got the highest points. 
The resource persons were Ma.Didi, Sri Sudhakarji, Su Sutapa, Smt Sakeena, Smt Jayashree, and Sri Dharmanji and for the creativity session Kum Lakshmi Ponoth, leader of Jal group taught flower making using straw and chart papers, Smt Prabha taught flower making using nylon and organdi cloth pieces. 
On the 7th evening after a parents' meeting for half an hour, the concluding function was organized by the children themselves.Major General Vivekanandan, a close well-wisher was the Chief Guest of the Shibir. 


Bhagavatha Saptaham -Srimad Bhagavatha Saptaham started at Anandadham with Bhagavata Mahatmya on the evening of March Ist. Brahma Sri Madassery Neelakanthan Namboothiri was the Yagnaacharya. His Saha Acharya was his sister Sushree Haripriya and Kizhakizhum Narayanan Namboothiri as the poojari. The programme started with lighting of the lamp by the Acharya. Ma Lakshmididi honored the yagnacharya and others. Sreemad Bhagavatha Mahatmyam was read and the yagnya acharya gave a detailed explanation.

The next day onwards for seven days it was reading and explanation of the different avatars of Sree Krishna. Ganapathi temple annual Pratishtha Divasam, celebration fell on the sixth day. Hence along with Bhagavatha reading, Ganapathi Homam and Sri Chakra Pooja was also performed. The whole programme concluded on 8th March with the distribution of yagna prasadam by the Yagnacharya. Dakshin pranta Sanghatak Sushree Radha Didi was present for the program during the last two days.