PRABHASANA PARAMPARA
                                                              – By Acharya Sethumadhavanji
The credit of opening up human minds to the magnificence and immense potentialities hidden in the cosmos, goes to Indian Seers  It is they who through their extraordinarily deep meditations brought out the mystery behind the unimaginably immense cosmos with its infinite astral  bodies and cosmic phenomena which influence humans. Before the Western philosophers and scientists woke up to the reality of the immensity of the  Universe, our Indian Rishis were far ahead with their knowledge about the physical nature of the celestial bodies, Mother earth, including the baffling relationship that exists between human and the cosmic bodies.
We had been planning for a long time to invite a truly scientifically minded scholar to explain the wonderful Shastra of Astronomy with its essential ingredient of Astrology- directly related to human lives.
The first lecture in the series- Astrology as a Science- took place on 9th June, Saturday from 4p.m.to 6p.m. The speaker Acharya Sethumadhavanji from Tirupati University, is a very learned scholar who is currently working on his thesis on Astrology. The talk was devoted to the introduction of the topic and for more than two hours the audience sat and listened spell bound. Some of the points are presented in the ensuing summary of his lecture.
Talking on Jyotisha the speaker categorized it into four- Vaidica Kala Jyotisha, Siddhanta Kala Jyotisha, Samhita Kala Jyotisha and Modern Jyotisha as we know it. While the earlier ones are more ‘Spiritual’, the present day Jyotisha has more of ‘Tamoguna’. During Vedic period the great seers had an open mind regarding Jyotisha.There was no scope of dispute or criticism. The earlier proponents were mostly rishis like Vyasa, Parashara, Sovanam, Yavvanam and others who were great rishis who had no inclination towards worldly affairs. Jyotish Shastra was referred to as the ‘Vedas Chakshu, ‘eyes of Veda’
Jyotisha itself can be divided into Skanda trayam – Prapancha or cosmic analysis, Bhautic , Worldly or Nature’s analysis and lastly, One’s inner self analysis
Speaking about the importance of jyotisha, the speaker said in India, each and every festival in temples or otherwise is decided by the planetary star positions. All our temple utsavas are thus identified with some astronomical sign or event. Utsavas are meant to elevate the human mind to a higher level of consciousness.
 Jyotisha’s approved text is Surya Siddhanta which is available only in Sanskrit. One of the chapters of Surya Siddhanta deals with ‘Jyotish Upanishad’,and provides an interesting conversation between mind and Brahma. In answer to the question on diversity, is the revelation that the earth is ‘golakar’ (global), so there is an unavoidable diversity in everything. This is probably the first statement about the global nature of earth-1000 of years before the West catches up with the idea.
(The word jyothisha refers to cosmic intelligence or consciousness). Coming to Jyotisha he emphasized that the ultimate aim of Jyotisha is to take man to liberation. It is the science of unfoldment of one’s ‘Karmaphala’. The position of ‘Guru’ in one’s horoscope provides clues as to the spiritual status of the person. In Jyotisha lies the keys to unlock the treasures hidden in a being and to decode their meaning and possibilities. Jyotisha can provide an unmistakably analytical study of one’s life.
Speaking of the role of Jyotisha in marriage, the speaker first gave the true meaning of the word ‘vivaha’ – as the carrier of the most auspicious. Marriage is the reflection of the union  of Prakriti and Purusha- cosmic mother and father. To make marriage wholesome and fulfilling 25 linkups are to be scrutinized so that there is perfect physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual balancing between the man and the woman. If there is clear ideological understanding and unconditional love, there is no need for jyothisham to step
                                                                                         (more in the next)


A two days workshop on leadership skills was conducted at Anandadham for the students of classes X, XI and XII. 15 students ( 6 from Edavilangu, 5 from Aripalam-Vellangallur and the rest from Kodungallur) attended the camp.The workshop was inaugurated by Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi.The sessions were from 9.30 am to 4 pm.
On the first day,Sri Sudhakarji conducted the sessions.Several groupwise activities were given to the students so that  they themselves could recognise and be aware of  their own skills they possessed and those they were lacking.while performing the activities.The basic qualities required to become a leader were also discussed. A few video clippings based on excellence through everyday practice, perseverance an essential quality of a leader and having a vision of the goal set by each of them helps in achieving success.
 On the second day, Sri Ramesh master an NSS trainer conducted the morning session. He made the students realize, through various games and activities, how a short term goal and along with it, a long term goal is a must, to be a leader.                                                                                                                                  In the concluding session, students expressed their gratitude for having given the opportunity to be a part of the camp.


The second Atma-Vikas non-residential Shibir for the children of classes III to VI started from 3rd May and concluded on 8th May.
Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi inaugurated the Shibir.
 37 children from 9 different schools of                 Kodungallur and 2 children from                          Thiruvananthapuram participated. The daily schedule of the camp was from 9 am to 1 pm. Children were grouped into five after the five rivers of Punjab- Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, and Sutlej. Each group had a group leader who was either a Samskarvarga leader or SKIE member. The day began with the teaching of Vedic chants, patriotic songs in Hindi and Malayalam. This was followed by a session on
 'Art of Storytelling'  which was the theme of this camp.
Sessions on creativity were conducted by the group leaders, Sri Amal and Kum Lakshmi. They taught the children how to create best from waste eg Candle -stands with pistachio shells, vases, caterpillars, dolls, table mats and 3D houses from newspapers and clay models from
' shilpakar'. Games and Suryanamaskar were taken by group leaders-Kum. Sreelakshmi and Kum. Anushree.                                 
Classes on storytelling were conducted by Sri    Sudhakarji and  Sri Vasu Master, a dramatist from Perinjanam. On the fifth day, there was an interactive session on health and proper diet, by Dr. Arun, a neurologist by profession.                                   
 On the sixth day, a concluding programme was put up by the children. They had invited their parents for the concluding programme. A display of their creativity was arranged for their parents and the   Chief Guest to see. The Chief Guest was Smt Saraswathi teacher, Principal of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Vidya Mandir, Kodungallur.The programme started at 12 noon and ended by 1 pm. The parents and the Chief Guest were thoroughly impressed by the short but sweet programme.                                                                                  

Atma Vikas Shibir ( Narendra) - Concluding Day

The concluding day of every camp is a sea of emotions, amongst the hectic schedule of the day. May 1st 2018 was the concluding for this year's first Atma Vikas Shibir for children of class 7 to 9. After the morning Prarthana and Chantings, children got together into their respective groups to practice their drama. Some of the children were asked to express their anubhavam of the Shibir. One of the group leaders got into building the Shibir report. Apart from the respective drama's children also practiced patriotic songs(Hindi and Malayalam), and a small group practiced Yoga Asanas. Children also arranged their individual craft models. The concluding program was scheduled for 3:00 pm. After a sumptuous lunch it was time for the final rehearsals.

The program started with arrival of the chief guest Maj. Gen. (Dr.) P Vivekanandan (Retd.).


The master of ceremony was Kum. Athulyaputri. Ma. Lakshmi Didi welcomed the chief guest and parents to the event. She touched upon the impact of the camp on the overall development and thinking of each of the participants. She emphasized that if a participant consecutively attends the camp every year for couple of years it would develop in the individual a keen sense of deeper understanding of the self and their surroundings, thus nurturing an ideal family built on the foundation of our traditions and samskaras, consequently building a strong society and the world at large.
Deepa Prajwalan was done by Ma. Lakshmi Didi and Maj. Gen. Vivekanandan. The Maj. General in his address emphaIMG_5966sized upon important areas for the over all development of an individual. BeIMG_5971ing a good listener is of primary importance, coupled with discipline. A self disciplined life that is not a result of fear but of love and respect. Man is a social being, hence it is vital to be able to work in teams and be a team player. Always give your 100% in anything and everything you do, said the Maj. General . Our text talk of Vasudeva Kutumbakam, the world is one large family and comprises of every living and non-living things, hence let us not forget it. It is important to conserve our natural resources and prevent ,misuse and pollution. The sharing mentality needs to be inculcated in every individual. Sharing is far greater and purer than donation! And all these means each of us have to be in the best of health. After all Health is Wealth. All these are the foundations of being a good citizen and wonderful Human Being.
Welcome speech was by Kum. Devapriya. This was followed by the reading of the Shibir report by Kum. Sreelakshmi. Kum. Averin, Nandana , Swathy, & Master Athmaj, Abhinav and Srihari shared their anubhavam of the weeklong Shibir.


There were four short plays performed by the children who had been divided in groups earlier. Swami Vivekanananda group showcased "The Fish Brother" a story focusing on forgiveness and love. The group Sri Ramakrishna enacted a play titled "Wounded Bird" which focused on living in harmony with nature and our surroundings. Ma. Sharada Devi group showcased a play "The Bear who helped the Farmer", again a wonderful theme focusing on the need to have harmony amongst all living beings and also touched upon upholding the "Value" system. Group "Sister Nivedita's" play titled "Accident" focused on the increasing "Digital Distractions" which is a rising concern amongst everyone. In between the plays there was rendering of Patriotic songs in Hindi and Malayalam. A wonderful and breathtaking display of Yoga Asana's was put forth by the children. Then it was time for the prize distribution followed by the vote of thanks by Kum. Vasudha.
The craft items prepared by the children during the Shibir was also displayed.