Onam -Aghosham

 Onam Aghosham started from the previous day of Onam with cleaning up the campus by the yoga Varga team. On that day the Niveditha Sasraya tailoring unit sisters too received their first remittance for their from the sale of theirfinished goods. They received from the hands of Ma. DIdi along with the 'Onam Kizhi'

on Saturday , after samuhika pratahsmaran, all the 17 yoga Varga team members headed by Sri P.N. Joshiji, with all the inmates  created a beautiful pookolam. Ma.Didi spoke to them on the importance of Onam. At the end Onam Sadia - breakfast was there for all. Breakfast was also sponsored by the team. 



A talk by Ma  Lakshmi Didi  was on  Google Meet  on 8th August, Sunday at 7 pm,  The programme was conducted by Samanvaya - Bangalore group. 40 families watched the webinar. Topic was 'Vivekananda Swamiyude Kalchapattil Ramayanam' or Ramayana as interpreted by Swami Vivekananda. Host of the G-Meet was Sri Jayasankar. This was the second G-Meet with the Samanwaya group addressed by Ma. Didi.
A second G-meet  by Ma.Lakshmi DIdi. It.was  on 14th August, 10 am,  conducted by Amrita Vishwa Vidyalayam, Amritapuri on 7th day and 13th class of  Amrita Gramayan  2020, Topic was ' Sanatana Jeevita Darshanam' , 95 people attended the G-Meet. 


 17  toppers who received A+ in all subjects in the High school and Higher secondary level from the 17th and 18th Ward of  Kodungallur Municipality, were awarded on the 26th July, in the evening by the Ward Councillors  in coordination with Vivekananda Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation . The students were invited at Anandadham and with  a short half an hour programme, they were personally awarded mementoes and books as a token of appreciation for their hard work, which led to such success. Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi and two ward councillors Smt Parvathy and  Dr Ashalatha  gave away the tokens to the students.


During the Shatabhisheka celebration of Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi,out of the donations which were received , the committee had decided to build two houses for really deserving two ladies. One of them  who is from Edavilangu had a plot of ground,  and therefore on 10th July , Saturday, work started for the demolition of the dilapitated structure and foundation was laid by Ma. Didi to start building anew. The lady Smt Padmini, is a 60 year old widow with a son who is mentally retarded.Her married daughter has a 15 year old son totally mentally and physically retarded who needs full time attention and the girl cannot go to work.Her husband has divorced her seeing the pitiable condition of her son. The aged mother is the sole bread earner with MNGRA where she gets 10 days of work per month. Apart from Ma. Didi, Sri Sudhakarji, and the committee members Sri Shaliji, Sri  Anilji and Sri P.N.Joshiji were also present for the 'Bhumi poojan.